Steury Houseboat, anyone have knowledge on them!

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by Martin Hill Lonergan, Jul 12, 2024.

  1. Martin Hill Lonergan
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    Martin Hill Lonergan New Member

    Hi people’s, well, just joined and my first post sooooo, here goes. Does anyone have any knowledge on the Steury 23ft trailerable Houseboats! Me and the wifey looked at one today (July 12 2024) to possibly purchase. It’s 1973, was surveyed in June 2022 with a very impressive report. We’ve had quotes from two different companies that will ensure it which is reassuring.
    We negotiated $16k (Canadian) the carb needs a rebuild as it stalls out but the V8 runs so quiet and smooth. the 1990’s Yamaha 9.9hp 4 stroke outboard works a treat and it comes with a road legal trailer. Original owner from 73 to approx 2016, 2nd owned it about 4 years and the present owner has owned it for 5 years.
    Other than interior being “redone” with some poor paintwork and stapled re upholstery the boat is very sound. Just wondering on peoples thought on worth (though we’re content with the asking price) and after as much info as we can find on them or forums or groups on and about them. Thanks in advance .

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  2. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    The 70s were a period of core experimentation. You will want to find out if she is solid glass or cored with balsa. The balsa cores generally do not standup for 50 years. Usually an owner penetrates them and water gets in.

    The bilge is where the decision lies. It would be wise to get a surveyor.
  3. C. Dog
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    C. Dog Senior Member

    Do not accept the current owner's mechanical diagnosis either. The main could be due to be replaced as "stalling out" is not necessarily fuel delivery. A 30 year old outboard is junk not a "treat".

    Be wary as you have fallen for a dream and not the reality of what's in front of you. Anyone with a modicum of experience can put a bit of makeup on a sow and get her into the ball on the arm of the beau. That's when she comes undone however, the actual performance.

    These old pigs (boats) can break your spirit and turn what could have been a magnificent recreation into a nightmare.
  4. Tops
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    Tops Senior Member

    I had a 1970's Steury pop-up camper in the 1990's. It was flipped open in a storm and then was a viable utility trailer up until this year when the original plywood floor finally failed. I am considering rebuilding it back into a camper of some kind.

    A 2 year old survey may not cover any recent upgrades or downgrades to the boat and may not suffice for insurance purposes. Quick fixes can become difficult to re-repair into good or very good condition. I am just coming off a 2 week intensive on survey and restoration of wooden boats and have seen many sins of commission and omission in the name of getting a boat back on the water quickly and cheaply. My last boat purchase was fueled by desire more than common sense and I continue to learn about refitting a boat previously finished by an amateur builder.

    Caveat Emptor and all that jazz, I hope it's as good as described and you have a great time with it.
  5. Martin Hill Lonergan
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    Martin Hill Lonergan New Member

    Ouch, couple of brutally honest answers, I guess it’s what a fella should hear. Still mulling it over and a couple of things still to consider soooo!

  6. Scott Danforth
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    Scott Danforth Junior Member

    looks like an OMC leg on the back. I would pass just because of that.
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