Stern Drive Motor in a straight inboard boat?

Discussion in 'Gas Engines' started by Mike Feuti, Feb 14, 2019.

  1. Mike Feuti
    Joined: Feb 2019
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    Mike Feuti New Member

    Hello, I have a 1986 Silverton with two Merc 4.3 vortec engines. One is on the way out. I'm considering replacing it with a rebuilt engine with low hours but am only finding engines from a stern drive boat. From what I can find it seems I can use this engine in my boat but I wanted to check with people more knowledgeable than I as to what it would take to do so. Thank you.
  2. 7228sedan
    Joined: Nov 2009
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    7228sedan Senior Member

    As long as you use a vortec 4.3, the long block will be identical. Everything will bolt on. Are both of yours standard rotation? That is would be the only concern. All stern drive motors are standard (LH) rotation.
  3. Barry
    Joined: Mar 2002
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    Barry Senior Member

    Since you usually cannot see the flywheel with the engine in the boat it can also be determined from the front of the engine. If you are looking at the front of the engine at the belts and pulleys, clockwise would be Left Hand, and counter-clockwise would be Right Hand. ALL I/O ENGINES ARE LEFT HAND!


  4. 7228sedan
    Joined: Nov 2009
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    7228sedan Senior Member

    Not to completely confuse the OP :) but Stern drive motors are LH rotation when looking at the rear. The image in Barry's response is correct. When you view that motor looking at the flywheel, it would be spinning in a counter clockwise rotation. The front end of the motor spins in a RH or clockwise rotation as indicated in the arrow.
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