Step help

Discussion in 'Projects & Proposals' started by Rick hambric, Aug 14, 2018.

  1. Rick hambric
    Joined: Jul 2018
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    Rick hambric Junior Member

    im in the drafting phase of an 18ft poling skiff and need some help with the step placement and design. I have stations drawn and in pdf. Who can help and how much?? I will need cnc files for the stations as I will have them cut on a cnc table. Thanks!
  2. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    If you are drawing up your own plans but cant determine the step placement, you are probably out of your depth.

    Are you using some sort of CAD ? PDF is no help to a designer, especially of you want cnc files.

    This might have to be a case of getting some properly designed plans from a qualified naval Architect.
  3. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    A step, as in a stepped hull bottom ?
  4. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    @Rick hambric, could you show us what you have in pdf ?. Having the cross sections and the longitudinal profile there should be no problem to obtain the body lines plan in a CAD file and, from there, the cnc files to cut all the pieces and reinforcements.
    The position of the step (if it is a stepped hull) is a more difficult issue that would need some flow optimization software or similar
  5. Rick hambric
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    Rick hambric Junior Member

    I don’t have any cad software. I’m a structural steel fabricator by trade. Chris morejohn gave me his marquesa hull lines which I drew out full size in blue beam on a 1/32 grid. I then drew my lines over that as a guide. I use the software for steel takeoffs and drawing smaller jobs. Basically it’s just like my old drafting table, but with a mouse in lieu of a pencil. I’ll get a pic on here today. I also have some basic details drawn of the stern and have started a side view. This job would include putting my stations into your cad and-skinning it out. Dimensionally my vessel is very close to the original hellsbay marquesa, but less deadrise, different spray rails, stepped very rounded transom, and a step.
  6. Rick hambric
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    Rick hambric Junior Member

    213F0F49-6164-40C7-842A-B54E925C59E4.png 14B94E59-E6B4-4010-8AB9-55DEF78C68FD.png Here’s two examples of what I have done. I can have one of my detailers put them in a 2d cad if that helps

  7. Rick hambric
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    Rick hambric Junior Member

    These are the outside lines. They do not show the fillets that would be placed to round the corners. My stations are on 18in centers. If I didn’t want to put a step in this hull, I would already be in production. This will be a 650# vessel Plus motor, 1 powerpole, then gear. The goal here is a marquesa sized craft, that’s easier to pole and can be ran efficiently with a Yamaha 70 up to a 115.
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