Steering connection bracket for 1999 25hp johnson

Discussion in 'Outboards' started by valvebounce, Feb 24, 2019.

  1. valvebounce
    Joined: Dec 2010
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    valvebounce Senior Member

    I can't find the part number or description of the bracket that fits on the outboard to pick up with the steering link.
    The motor is-J25 RLEEB.
    Having looked on parts lists etc I just can't locate the part.
    The steering is complete up to the moving rod that fits on the rod that passes through the swivel tube.
    (end of steering cable)Without this bracket,I can't connect the steering to the engine.
    It's not mentioned in any of the steering kits I have looked at.
    I found a couple,but they were for earlier models.
    A part description and part number would certainly help me out.
    Any help will be greatly appreciated "V"
  2. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    You can connect your steering direct to the steering arm of the engine, rather than use the tilt tube. You just need something that "traps" the tube that the steering rod runs through, and allows it to pivot. This usually consists of a ball joint assembly. I had one that was bolted to the transom, because the tilt tube on the motor was a bit "shagged".
  3. valvebounce
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    valvebounce Senior Member

    Hi Mr E,
    I am trying to get rid of the ball joint that is in the splashwell wall.
    Because I have lifted the transom 3",it makes it too low to line up with the engine.
    I want to use the tilt tube setup because I will be able to tilt the engine up when I launch.
    If the boat was permanently afloat it wouldn't matter,but some of the places I launch the prop and leg would
    hit the rocks etc.
    I had the 18hp on the same system you suggested,and it was tricky to launch.
    The tilt tube is pretty serviceable on the 25hp,I ran a rod through it with aluminium oxide paper on it.
    I've struggled a bit sorting this out,mainly because I haven't got access to see the setup on other boats.
    I bought the 25hp knowing it had a 20" leg because it had very low hours on it,the transom was for a 15"-16" leg.
    The cavity plate will be 2" lower than the bottom of the transom,but I can live with the extra bit of drag it will cause.
  4. powerabout
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    powerabout Senior Member

    you mean the drag link, 173699 for 1999 20-50hp?
  5. valvebounce
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    valvebounce Senior Member

    I've got the drag link,it's the connection on the engine end to it that I need.(Plate with two bolt holes in it and a hole for the drag link.
  6. powerabout
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    powerabout Senior Member

    Are you sure that link doesnt bolt through the middle hole in the aluminium steering arm, as in the part where you would pick up the engine from if it was laying down?
    Back in the 80's the parts show a SS bracket but not in late later 90's

    Just to confirm, its a 2 cyl 25 and not a 3cyl?

  7. valvebounce
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    valvebounce Senior Member

    You got me thinking,I have had the steering link for a while,I bought it just after I bought the engine.
    I got it out of the box and had a look at it last night.
    You are right,the link bolts to the lifting handle,and all the bits are with it.
    There is no need for a bracket.
    My thanks PB,and those who have tried to get round the problem I thought I had and didn't,Haha.
    The engine is a two cylinder.1999 25hp pullstart 25hp Johnson.J25RLEEB
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