Steerable, Inboard shaft drive?

Discussion in 'Inboards' started by OCB, Dec 12, 2015.

  1. OCB
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    OCB Senior Member

  2. tom kane
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    tom kane Senior Member

    I Patented (successfully) a Trim able shaft drive in 1973,probably the very first practical (Pivotal Drive) for power boats.
    Google Images Pivotal Drive, Cam.a.Propulsion.Retractable shaft drive for power boats.
    There is info on this website. and on youtube.
    There are many ways to build these drives and some are very easy to build for a handyman diy or you can build a very sophisticated and expensive drive if you have the cash. You can use twin U/V joints with a sliding ( It` a C/V joint) spline or conventional C/V joint.
  3. OCB
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    OCB Senior Member

    Inboard steerable prop

    Thank your reply Tom,

    Congratulations on your patent! Patents cost a lot and are now easy to now days. ( I'm still going down that road ) I like your idea of trimming the shaft. Where you able to bring your to market ?
    I have a 23' single screw deep v hull. I want to steer the boat with the propeller.
    I am a DIY guy and like out of the box projects. I seen some patents, but I can't find boats with that idea. Has it been done already?

  4. tom kane
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    tom kane Senior Member

    Hi OCB, Patenting the " Vessel Pivotal Drive Shaft Mounting" official name for my Patent cost practically nothing as I did most of the research myself and my patent Attorney understandably new nothing about about this new and novel invention and no engineers understood the concept either, as it was a new idea,but has been used in autos forever.
    If you can not explain the differences between your new invention and conventional known systems you are unlikely to achieve a successful patent application.

    There are lots of drives that are steerable by swinging the shaft from side to side and also trimming up and down.
    This method is OK for large less maneuverable boats but not so good when you need quick responses in smaller craft.
    My Pivotal Drive that can be raised and lowered from the helm is suitable for large and small craft and can be designed to be used in Surface Piercing mode or conventional Sub Surface node.
    There is no limit to what you can have in size or sophistication or " bells and whistles '.
    Truly I can not understand why anyone can not understand such a simple device and simply just build one for themselves it is so easy.
    As many boating people do not understand much about boats in general I would not invest big money in the Marine field but I would just prefer to enjoy my own efforts.
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    FAST FRED Senior Member

    A simple solution to any rudder induced drag is to simply offset the engine and shafting 3deg or so, then the boat will run straight with no rudder induced drag.

    You will still have to pay for skin friction .
  6. Barry
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    Barry Senior Member

    Interesting Fred but please expand the explanation on the offset the engine and shaft 3deg solution.

  7. OCB
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    OCB Senior Member

    I will be building my own inboard drive steerable and will have trim. The prop will remain under the boat. No rudder. I won't patent the drive idea on the Sub Surface design. I am patenting some high angle joints for shafts on steering, off road cars drivelines, Boat, ect.
    It's time for to try something new. Out of the box projects are my thing. Most people have a hard time with something new!!! ( I thick you know what I mean!! ) I'm not here to debate with people that just muddy up the water for everyone else!. Go start your own thread and crap in your own pool.

    Their is a need for change in this design IMHO. I thick if the prop shaft can do 40 degree angle it will steer Ok. I will have fin on the shaft.

  8. BMcF
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    BMcF Senior Member

    And then there are the people on this forum that have actually made a career out of "trying something new". Quite a few of us, actually. ;)

    Innovative solutions are always worth a good look.
  9. tom kane
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    tom kane Senior Member

    Go OCG go... enjoy and have fun.
  10. OCB
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  11. OCB
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    OCB Senior Member

    I share your point of view. I welcome input from like minded people like you with a open mind.
  12. powerabout
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    powerabout Senior Member

    We just need a cv joint made from unobtanium so it can take the load and run underwater without any seals or lubrication
  13. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Is that tempered unobtanium or work hardened?
  14. OCB
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    I seen off road CV joints handle 850 HP and 42" tall tires or thousands of miles. BUT I said new high angle joint not CV joint!! I started with 4340 and 300m BUT I can get unotanium it's call Domex. It will need seals and lube. Is that the best you can do?


  15. OCB
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    OCB Senior Member

    Work hardened just like your head!
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