Steel trawler building cost

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by janesci, Apr 28, 2013.

  1. janesci
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    janesci Junior Member

    Hi everyone,

    Just have a quick question and hope to get your advise.

    For the net weight of 20tons steel material (before cutting and nesting), to build GRT 50 boat (light ship only). What is your thought of additional consumption of welding materials and related expendables?

    Can you also advise what grade of steels would be good for stiffeners?
  2. Eric Sponberg
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    Eric Sponberg Senior Member


    Tyically, the amount of added weight due to welding is about 5% of the total. That is a standard figure that we use in estimating new construction. That is 5% of the net weight of the material used, including all the plating and all the internal stiffeners.

    Here in the US, the most common shipbuilding steel is A36 (US designation), which is a marine grade mild steel and is available in plate and structural shapes.

  3. janesci
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    janesci Junior Member

    Eric, very appreciated for your comment.
    If you please give me one more advise, what is your opinion of building m/h or building times for L55ft/B25ft/D8ft Steel trawler with 4 good welders. Only up until the light-ship constructions?
  4. Eric Sponberg
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    Eric Sponberg Senior Member

  5. janesci
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    janesci Junior Member

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