Starting a new thread on help reinstalling my 4.3L Vortec

Discussion in 'Sterndrives' started by Leonard Martinez, Jul 29, 2017.

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  1. Leonard Martinez
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    Leonard Martinez Junior Member

    I just joined this sight and don't know how to create my own post. I need help reinstalling my 4.3L Vortec. Can anyone walk me through the steps of creating my own post? Much appreciated.
  2. ondarvr
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  3. Leonard Martinez
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    Leonard Martinez Junior Member

  4. Magnum Opus
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    Magnum Opus Junior Member

    It should be on the top right on the page that you see the list of all these posts.
  5. Boat Design Net Moderator
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  6. PAR
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    Welcome to the forum.

    The first thing you need to do is get the appropriate manual for your engine/drive configuration. Read through it carefully, as some can be a bit confusing for a novice. You can also download the manual, from several sites. Assuming an Alpha one, with your 4.3, this is the Mercruiser PDF. >Mercury-MerCruiser GM V6 262 CID 4.3L Marine Engines Service Manual Number 25 Sections 1-3 - Page [101]<

    What are your questions, as engine install is pretty easy on this particular combo, though alignment can be tedious.
  7. Leonard Martinez
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    Leonard Martinez Junior Member

    What are three right exhaust manifolds to buy? Will any marine v6 manifolds work?
  8. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    There's essentially two exhaust manifolds to consider, ones with and ones without elbows. This depends on a few factors, such as the make, model and year of your setup, engine compartment configuration, does it have a Y pipe or through transom arrangement, etc. You'll need to level the playing field with some information and possibly some photos first. What are you working on?

  9. Boat Design Net Moderator
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