stanley 19

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by blackgull, Jun 22, 2005.

  1. blackgull
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    blackgull New Member

    Hi, I've just purchased a small keel yacht of a design called Stanley 19. I believe its a design from the British yachting magazine Yachting Monthly. She was built in the 1970's, is 19ft LOA, wooden chine construction, mast head sloop. Are trying to find out any details about the design. She is moored Dunedin,New Zealand. Thanks
  2. Tactic
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    Tactic Junior Member

    Hi Blackgull.
    I am also from your fair city.
    I think I may even now who you bought your boat from!
    There are a few of them around Dunedin.I don't know much about the design history though sorry.
  3. christer
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    christer New Member

    Hi, Stanley 19 owner.
    Stanley 19 is constructed by a swedish boat designer "Per Brohäll"- he won a design-competition arranged by the british tool manufacturer Stanley with it.

    Christer (from Sweden)
  4. ben van bussel
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    ben van bussel New Member

    Hi There,

    hoping for some more information about the afore mentioned boat.
    I believe we are now the new owners of her. she is registered with Yaghting NZ as Tijuana II designed by P.Brohall.

    im looking for more specific information about her, and wondering if anyone else still has one floating around in NZ or around the world

    Ben van Bussel

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  5. CT249
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    CT249 Senior Member

    I've got an article about them in a '60s Yachting World Annual, I think. As Christer says, it won a design competition.
  6. HJS
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  7. Deloonie
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    Deloonie New Member

    I have just obtained an original plan and all the supplied information
    If you're still interested

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  8. ben van bussel
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    ben van bussel New Member


    Hi, I'm keen to get a copy of the file if you are able to scan or maybe send it on?
  9. georgian bay
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    georgian bay New Member

    Hi there - I think I can provide the definitive answer regarding the Stanley 19 - in 1982 I bought a rugged looking hard chine plywood sailboat that I was told was a Stanley 19 built from a kit sold to a builder in Port Stanley on Lake Erie Canada.................
    the boat had a combination keel and centerboard and the centreboard had stuck and the cable to haul it up had broken away.....
    so I made arrangements with a marina to lift the boat off my trailer so I could reattach the cable and loosen up the keel............
    and the day I trailered the boat to the marina - the owner took one look and exclaimed THAT IS A STANLEY 19!!!!!!!!!!!

    He told me that he had sailed Stanley 19 many time from his village in Norway...............
    but I pointed out that Stanley is NOT a Norwegian name.........................
    so he explained that naval architect Stanley (dont recall the given name) was an English naval architect who had moved to Norway after WW2 and had designed a number of boats for the Norwegian fishing fleet and had also designed the Stanley 19 sailboat for export - with the boat being available either fully completed or supplied as a kit to be made by others and that they were once very popular boats - being quite rugged sailors that got sold around the world..........................

    The guy told me that he and some friends would pick a period of good weather and would go visiting in Scotland - across the North Sea from Norway ...........................and I believe him as my Stanley has been out on Georgian Bay on numerous occasions and shrugged off 10 ft/ 3 metre cannot work to windward in such conditions but reaching and running were easy ways to go!!!!

    The Norwegian told me the Stanley 19 was available in 3 configurations - with a full keel, with a combination keel and centreboard which I have, and with a centreboard only - which was the least popular design type due to the usual issues with centreboards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    In years past I have looked online for more information regarding the Stanley 19 as I think I want to replace the keel/centreboard with a full keel so if anybody has any information on what the Stanley full keel looked like I would appreciate such information!

    This web site is the first one I have found that has ANY MENTION of the Stanley 19 and the photos on display look EXACTLY LIKE MY BOAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. georgian bay
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    georgian bay New Member

    Hi there - I have just posted some information that I have collected regarding the Stanley 19 that I have owned for many years..... with the kits having been made in Norway to a design by an English Naval architect....................
    and if your plans contain any information about the full keel version I would be VERY INTERESTED IN HAVING A LOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The Stanley 19 was very often sold as a kit - with 3 versions available - a full keel version, a combination keel/centreboard version which I have, and a centreboard only version which was apparently not to popular.............................

    please send me any information you have!
  11. ben van bussel
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    ben van bussel New Member

    Georgian Bay
    attached are the design plans and some photo of Me sailing and haulout maintenance our Stanley 19 fixed Keel in Lyttleton NZ

    She's nice to Sail, just not very fast and prefers 12-18 knots of wind. we love that its small and roomy at the same time.

    feel free to email for more information
    20230603_143644.jpg 20230604_114459.jpg 20230604_114505.jpg IMG-20240406-WA0031.jpg Messenger_creation_14606c70-4e9c-4d86-b993-2c7ee52eb948.jpeg Messenger_creation_bac4a7f1-39bc-45e2-917b-1cbb2c1615d2.jpeg Tijuana II.jpg 20230603_143644.jpg 20230604_114459.jpg 20230604_114505.jpg IMG-20240406-WA0031.jpg Messenger_creation_14606c70-4e9c-4d86-b993-2c7ee52eb948.jpeg Messenger_creation_bac4a7f1-39bc-45e2-917b-1cbb2c1615d2.jpeg Tijuana II.jpg 20230604_114459.jpg 20230604_114505.jpg IMG-20240406-WA0031.jpg Messenger_creation_14606c70-4e9c-4d86-b993-2c7ee52eb948.jpeg Messenger_creation_bac4a7f1-39bc-45e2-917b-1cbb2c1615d2.jpeg Tijuana II.jpg
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  12. georgian bay
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    georgian bay New Member

    Hi there - and many thanks for the information regarding the full keel version of Stanley 19 - and yes - yours is identical to mine - clearly both our boats are from the same designer!
    I have not yet fully studied the details for the full keel - need to expand the photo to get at details of draft with the full keel - though strangely my combination keel/centreboard seems not to much more shallow draft than the full keel version..........
    and the keel/centreboard seems to have about the same square foot area as the full keel.

    As for the speed of the Stanley - one reason I bought mine without knowing anything about the origins of the boat was because of its obvious rough water capability - later confirmed by the Norwegian guy I met who used to sail them across the North Sea- and because my boat came with 6 sails so I could adjust the sail area quite nicely to get ideal sail area and thus Stanley could move along quite nicely on Georgian Bay which is an offshoot of Lake Huraon - with both bodies of water being notoriously choppy and rough and often with gusty winds..............................
    Alright - duty calls and I must go - thanks again for the information!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. ben van bussel
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    ben van bussel New Member


    just wondering if you were able to scan and send through the original plans?
    my email is

    much appreciated
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