
Discussion in 'Outboards' started by luvnwater, Jul 3, 2007.

  1. luvnwater
    Joined: Jun 2007
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    luvnwater Junior Member

    75 evinrude o/b stalls when put in gear.Good plugs gettin fuel. Runs good through rpm band water pump is pumpin. outdrive is good.Motor starts right up but stalls when put into gear. Please help thankx
  2. redtech
    Joined: Feb 2007
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    redtech Senior Member

    is this a 1975 or a 19?? 75hp outboard, chech lower unit oil for metal then start looking into powerhead start there with sync and link
  3. luvnwater
    Joined: Jun 2007
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    luvnwater Junior Member

    it is a 1975 ob. lower unit is OK. Thanks for the reply.I,m going to check cyl comp and timing this weekend.
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