.srf file extension?

Discussion in 'Software' started by TimothyM, Sep 20, 2011.

  1. TimothyM
    Joined: Jul 2010
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    TimothyM Junior Member

    I recently recieved 3 files from a customer with a .srf file extension. He thinks they are 3D hulls. Does anyone have a program that can open them and convert them to an iges or some other file that I can open in rhino?
  2. micspoko
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    micspoko Senior Member

  3. bhnautika
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    bhnautika Senior Member

    TimothyM a lot of programmes use this extension (eg Sony Raw file image to terragen, etc), but in this case I think it is a mesh file used to import into simulation programmes. You may have to convert it back into something like VRML or some other mesh file so rhino can import it, but it will still be a mesh file.
  4. TimothyM
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    TimothyM Junior Member

    Thanks. I tried the 3D object converter(no go).
  5. Eric Sponberg
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    Eric Sponberg Senior Member


    The files for .srf extension are 3D surface model files from ProSurf or Pilot 3D. ProSurf is the program that I use for my hull designs, Pilot 3D is a cheaper general purpose modeller. ProSurf is used by Westlawn students. These programs were written by Steve Hollister at New Wave Systems in Jamestown, RI. Here is the link:


    His contact information is at the bottom of his front page. He can convert the .srf files to iges files for you so that you can read them into other 3D modelling programs.

    I could do it here, but I am really busy with work and am about ready to head off to Ireland for a vacation. But Steve will be more than happy to assist you.

  6. TimothyM
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    TimothyM Junior Member

    thanks Eric. I'll give that a try

  7. TimothyM
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    TimothyM Junior Member

    problem solved. thank you everyone for your help. It turns out that I had the solution all along and didn't know it. Thanks to Eric, I realized that I could open them with Prochine and export as a iges
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