Square Balestron Rig?

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by misanthropicexplore, Jan 23, 2019.

  1. misanthropicexplore
    Joined: Apr 2018
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    misanthropicexplore Junior Member

    I'm aware of the basic compromises involved in square rigged vs. fore-and-aft rigged. What sort of compromises would be unique to making a Balestron with an upper spar to mirror the lower boom, producing a sort of rectangular Balestron?
  2. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    You may have seen this before-as close as I know of to what you describe:

    Maltese Falcon:
    Maltese Falcon 2.jpg
  3. misanthropicexplore
    Joined: Apr 2018
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    misanthropicexplore Junior Member

    I don't think so? A balestron rig is uses two sails, with one of them being sleeved. The DynaRig is ahead of the mast.
  4. Doug Lord
    Joined: May 2009
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    I can't think of a rig that more closely fits your description in post #1 than the Falcons rig.....

  5. tlouth7
    Joined: Jun 2013
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    tlouth7 Senior Member

    This sounds pretty close to the split junk rig, just without the intermediate battens (boomlets). I suspect that it would be a challenge to achieve sufficient luff tension for a "square balestron" with a yard of reasonable weight.

    NB this is not a square rig in the conventional sense as it has a luff and leach that are distinct.
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