Sportive fishing boat design for uni project, cuddy cabin

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Murvet, Mar 25, 2024.

  1. Murvet
    Joined: Mar 2024
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    Murvet New Member

    Hello everyone,

    I am Mumu and rn i am dealing with a 10 meter sportive fishing boat design. i am studying BA in industrial design so my knowledge about boats is very limited. I am not a student of faculty of engineering and didn't take any lessons about boats. i am kinda lost in here. i want to draw smth but measurements are blowing up my mind. i do not know where to start. please, can someone help to find my way? i know it is a huge favour but little guidance would really save my project.

    Thank you for your time!

    Have a nice day:)

  2. BlueBell
    Joined: May 2017
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    Mumu, welcome to the Forum.
    Do you already have the building plans ( design ) or are you making your own design?
  3. Murvet
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    Murvet New Member

    thank you bluebell!

    my professor only gave us the structure of hull part of the boat, i have to complete rest of the parts. i am having difficulty about placing parts because for example i do not know its draft and freeboard so i cannot sketch anything. i will be attaching the photo of the hull.



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    Last edited: Mar 25, 2024
  4. Rumars
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    Rumars Senior Member

    Your professor thinks the first task is to figure out the dimensions from the given data, wich has nothing to do with engineering or boats, it's about modeling and technical drawings. He is testing a basic ability for industrial designers, and he did provide all the info you need.
    Forget it's a boat, right now it's a model of an object and your task is to read the dimensions from it. The answer is, what's the basis of any technical drawing or model?

  5. Murvet
    Joined: Mar 2024
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    Murvet New Member

    thank you for your reply
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