Splitting deck and hull on Mastercraft X-Star

Discussion in 'Fiberglass and Composite Boat Building' started by Donavan C Marais, May 2, 2022.

  1. Donavan C Marais
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    Donavan C Marais Junior Member

    Hi fellow boating enthusiasts. Newbie over here working on a restoration project of an 07 Mastercraft X-Star wakeboard boat in very sad condition due to neglect. The boat is not in great shape and I am restoring it to sell. I have the deck and hull mostly stripped down of all hardware, upholstery, and panels. Next I will need to split the deck and hull. The deck needs to come out so for a number of reasons. Ordering a gantry crane and electrical hoist. Once I remove the deck, I will need to support it while out of the hull, but I was curious on the hull. Once I get the hull off the trailer and place it on to supports, it is necessary to support the sides of the hull to avoid any misshaping/deforming of the hull? Photos for reference. Thanks for any advice.
  2. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    No pics uploaded.

    By deck I assume you mean cap.

    It is not uncommon for a cap to be removed, repairs done, and the cap to not fit.

    So, to be safe, you need spanners and to take a lot of measurements.

    Especially, for example if you take out the sole for a stringer repair. You get it all done and find you had the hull move 1/4" out each side, etc.
  3. Donavan C Marais
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    Donavan C Marais Junior Member

    Thanks for the info. Yes, thanks for confirming about the strong possibility of it not all fitting together later.

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  4. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    Transom and stringers rotted?

    why the cap off?

    I might be inclined to remove less.

    The only reason those caps are so massive is ease of build.

    You can remove the sole, for example and put it back together with a seam repair.
  5. Donavan C Marais
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    Donavan C Marais Junior Member

    Potential stringer damage as I have found springy areas under the storage compartments. Also, I need to remove the carpeting. Mastercraft installs the carpet on the outside of the deck (cap) as well as on the floor of the hull. I am going to remove all the carpeting, clean, and spray with anti-slip, rubberized marine paint (makes for simpler maintenance), plus with the cap out it will make installation of the speaker system easier, as well as reinstalling the upholstered cushions & seat backs later on. Not to mention the repairs I need to do in the stern of the boat, bilge and engine bay area that will be easier with the cap off.
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  6. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    Never heard of sprayable non-skid. What brand is it?
  7. Donavan C Marais
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    Donavan C Marais Junior Member

  8. Donavan C Marais
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    Donavan C Marais Junior Member

  9. Donavan C Marais
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    Donavan C Marais Junior Member

  10. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    Says sprayable, but I habe serious doubts if you don't have an ideal, industrial setup.
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  11. Donavan C Marais
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    Donavan C Marais Junior Member

    I can’t find a gantry crane with an ibeam width of more than 94” for under $2k. So I won’t be replacing the carpet and will do my best to clean them. It’s just not worth it to spend over $2,000 just to pull the carpets out. Although, having the deck out would make installation of the sound system, panels, seats and back rests easier, but I think it’s doable doing it the old school way.
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  12. kapnD
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    kapnD Senior Member

    I don’t think you need to remove the cap.
    There is plenty of access throughout to perform repairs, and as suggested above, the deck can be cut out if necessary.
    Removing the cap will destroy any possibility of making a profit on resale, which is sketchy at best.
    How’s the mechanical aspect? Does the motor run, are the fuel tanks clean, is the drive serviceable?
    Is there a reason it sat neglected all these years?
    Have you investigated the market and crunched the number$?

  13. Donavan C Marais
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    Donavan C Marais Junior Member

    I’ve already decided not to remove the cap. Thanks for confirming that’s it’s not necessary.

    Yes, I’ve done the research. Wouldn’t take this on if the numbers weren’t gonna work out profitably.

    The engine was rebuilt last year, so mechanically the boat is good there. Mainly cosmetic stuff.
    I don’t have exact proof, but based on the amount of dirt I found behind the seats, in storage compartments, and under hatches, my suspicion is that this boat was not used for a while and probably just sat under trees.
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