<split> coaming comment / off-topic split from Pearson Ensign thread

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Paul B, Jan 10, 2011.

  1. Paul B

    Paul B Previous Member

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  2. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Once again looking for an out of context thing to make issue of Paul? An absurdly reoccurring theme with you. Don't you have some eye brow hairs to pluck or something.
  3. Paul B

    Paul B Previous Member

    Out of context? Seems spot on when talking about things like coamings. Especially so since the photo was posted on this thread! If you don't think through the actual sailing of the boat before adding details you can find yourself in a bit of a pickle.

    FYI: The word is recurring.
  4. alan white
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    alan white Senior Member

    The boat was set up jury rigged and by fall 2009 the correct lead was established. The dead eye and lanyard setup was replaced by bronze turnbuckles. A new set of pad eyes with bronze blocks were installed and the new lead turned out to be perfect, though the sheet still rides over the coaming.
    The photo was to represent an idea for a coaming, and not meant as a treatise on running rigging.
    No, my boat isn't a racing machine. The sheet still rides over the coaming though at a lesser angle. Where I found the finish had rubbed off, for 2010 I let a brass half-oval into the coaming's top edge about 9" long. This proved to be just right, reducing that small amount of friction---- a big improvement over a Herreshoff 12 1/2 footer in any case, which has no such wear strip, and about as much as I'm going to worry about a 30 sq. ft. jib getting out of hand.
    But please, Paul, continue with your ridiculous comments. Correct spelling where needed.
    What does "runing" mean?
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  5. Paul B

    Paul B Previous Member

    That comment is "perfect".
  6. Paul B

    Paul B Previous Member

    Wow. Once again up until all hours, twisted into a ball of rage and frustration. That can't be good for the health.
  7. alan white
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    alan white Senior Member

    The 12 1/2 (or Haven 12 1/2--- same rigging) has the sheet in contact with the coaming in the same way. The jib leads haven't changed in 100 years to the best of my knowledge. Obviously a practical solution that's stood the test of time.
    Can you name a situation, Paul B, where this sheet lead causes problems? I really admire you and your vast nautical knowledge.
  8. alan white
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    alan white Senior Member

    Yes, PAR, he's attacked me quite a few times, and while it's an irritation I have realized since recently (when I finally called him a gigantic a-hole), he's made no friends here----- it seems half of the forum members chimed in to agree wholeheartedly.
    I sometimes think he's not really serious since his behavior is childish enough to lead one to suspect he would have to have an abnormally big inferiority complex to act that way.
    And Paul B., if you are reading this, my apologies for speaking about you publicly but I'm hoping you will respond by treating people better in the future.
  9. Paul B

    Paul B Previous Member

    I guess you have to get busy shortly after you hear, "You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here."

    Hmmm. I don't post here everyday, but I sure don't recall ever "leaving" this board in a huff. I recall someone did after being outed for some of his less than truthful postings. Do you remember who that was?

    I don't know. How many of these "closed" threads are there? I have never noticed any threads closed on this board, but there must be hundreds based on your comments. Maybe you can list them for us.

    On the other hand, maybe you are delusional.
  10. Paul B

    Paul B Previous Member

    So mentioning your suggestion of using 1/2" plywood on a 21 foot keelboat might be overkill is an "attack"?

    Who wouldn't feel inferior in the presence of greatness like you and Riccelli?
  11. alan white
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    alan white Senior Member

    Really, Paul, I'm curious. In what situation would the sheet belonging to the 30 sq ft jib on my boat (and the H-12 1/2) have a problem passing over the coaming?
    Either you commented on it because you wished to help and instruct, or you mentioned it only to insult and ridicule. If the former, please instruct. If just insulting as I suspect, say nothing.
  12. Paul B

    Paul B Previous Member

    My initial comment was not directed to you nor intended to instruct you. Attempts at that have proven to be a waste of time.

    If you think it is proper to have a sheet lead running over the edge of a coaming like that, well good luck to you.

    Perhaps you pal Riccelli can explain it to you.
  13. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Paul B

    Mr. "B" crawled out from his lair a few days ago making a stop in one of my threads with typical nonsense. I'm amazed this guy is still here. For any of you that don't know, this is what this person says about himself(LAC thread, multihulls, page 3) :

    And yet he is just brimming with unfounded criticism of those who have-it's just amazing. But the biggest thing is his ugly, unreasonable, uninformed(sometimes)
    tone. The guy personfies "rude" and anything beneficial he may have to offer is lost in the pervasive ugliness.
  14. alan white
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    alan white Senior Member

    I didn't think you could answer. All bluff and bluster, though it should be simple to explain the monumental importance of not allowing a sheet to bend over a coaming, but you can't. I actually like the slight friction because I hold the sheet(s) in my hand and the friction provides some relief from the constant pull.
    You remind me of a little school girl who quips, "If you don't know, you don't deserve to know!", a convenient way of passing the buck.
    A childish response from a childish man.

  15. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Nearly a whole page of Paul B distractions, as I mentioned previously, from a person who has little regard. Again my apologies to Seasailor, who has been waiting for a reply to his questions, while Paul B's efforts (seemly) to destroy yet another thread has come along.

    Jeff, isn't it time to do something about clearly repeating offenders? I mean I can't be the only one with repeated complaints about this guy. The reputation system can do only so much and though his is that of a new member, in spite of his participation for several years, the damage he's done, to countless threads shouldn't be over looked. I can think of at least a half a dozen threads in the last year, where his member tormenting caused the thread to be closed or heavily edited. His only participation here was to find fault with a member, he has repeatedly attacked previously. Alan and I aren't error proof, but we don't go into discussions looking to start ****, which is precisely what Paul B has done here and has repeatedly done for many years. When does it end? Obviously there's an issue in regard to Paul's desires to participate in a manor, that doesn't cause the "Flag Moderator" button to get stomped on in nearly every thread. A simple search of threads with my name and his, or his name and any of a few dozen other members and you'll find edited or closed threads. If the threads are read, a clear and repeating theme emerges. Paul B is the common denominator and his disdain for many of the members is obvious, which in itself isn't as important as the repeated offenses that have killed threads, caused members to leave in disgust or misdirected a thread down a unfortunate path in disservice to the other participants in the thread.

    In short, I'm completely convinced I've pissed off more then a few on occasion, but it's not a repeating occurrence, I don't make it a habit and it's not what others think of me. On the contrary with Paul B, he has made it a habit, it's a repeating one and his reputation and flagged posts should bear this out easily enough. What to do Jeff?
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