Some one has to start it, Americas default.

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by Frosty, Jul 29, 2011.

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  1. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    It all an act, the stock market knows it, CNN and Bloomberg dont get it.

    America needs to devalue the dollar to export and try to compete with China.

    What better way to achieve a dollar devaluation that this choreographed bull crap.

    2 weeks ago it was oh Americas default will crash the world , Even Christine Le guard said it.

    It will be settled at the 11th hour, has to be or America will look like monkeys, well I mean bigger monkeys.

    But it will only be a token increase to keep the threat and the dollar continues its decline.
  2. bntii
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    bntii Senior Member

    It'll all be fine Frosty- have another piece of cake.
  3. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    Most Americans think that. May I suggest thats why your in this mess.
  4. bntii
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    bntii Senior Member

    You might not have noticed, but the "mess" is not limited to the good old US of A.

    We will all soldier on.. dynasties rise and fall etc
  5. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    Your mistaking 2 different messes.

    England has just recently taken over America as a safer place for an investment.

    You are devaluing your dollar at a great cost to your credibility meaning not only do you need to recover from a recession but recover credibility.

    It will be ok is what your government is saying today Obama has virtualy thrown the towel in disgust.

    What can there be to stop an agreement of this magnitude --testosterone?

    And no its not all over the world , the East is marching on, Chinas economy is overheating.
  6. Poida
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    Poida Senior Member

    I don't believe the President of America runs the country, its financial institutions do.

    When they don't like the President they financialy screw the country around until the people get rid of him. Then things will be back to normal.
  7. troy2000
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    troy2000 Senior Member

    Of course, Frostie. It's all staged. Senators, Congressmen, the President and the Treasurer are all in on the conspiracy, along with their entire staffs. They have acting skills that would put Hollywood to shame, and they're all reading from a script someone revises and edits every night, before handing it out to them all with their morning coffee or orange juice.

    How did you figure it out? I thought we were hiding it pretty well....
  8. troy2000
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    troy2000 Senior Member

    Kind of hard to figure out why they made things go all to Hell at the end of Bush's two terms, then. If they were looking forward to getting rid of Obama instead, you'd think they would have waited until he took office and actually did something-- so he could take all the blame, instead of so much of it settling on his predecessor.
  9. bntii
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    bntii Senior Member

    Hows that one go...
    "The exception proves the rule"?:

    To be honest with you though I don't really understand economics or world currencies.
    Like most men I tend my fields and bring the harvest to that market which exists during my short life.

    This is also of interest:

    As is this:
  10. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    Not only do you have dollar devaluation with the farce but an increase in gold that investors are running to in the traditional home for nervous investors.

    When gold reaches 2000 dollar an ounce --I wonder how much gold US has -- may be able to pay off the debt selling/ flooding the world with a few hundred tons and leave everyone else standing with worthless blobs of metal.

    What ever happens things will change and gold will not possibly be able to sustain this level. To reach 2000 gold will have to be considered as a pure investment , its ability to adorn the neck of a woman will have been forgotten about.

    Just sayin.
  11. Landlubber
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    Landlubber Senior Member

    "I wonder how much gold US has".....emm, Frosty, it seems that they have sold it all off years ago if you start looking for it......
  12. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

  13. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    All countries have gold it used to back the currency. Ille bet Us has got quite a bit.

    Soros has not done anything to Thailand --that was Malaysia and even UK some years ago.

    Soros no longer takes investment in his very successful portfolio's any more, he only manages his own 50 billion. This is in retaliation to Americas pending increase in tax for the wealthy.

    Since 2008 there is no limit to the depths of depravity that a Banker Politician can get. The level of greed and me me me will I think be marked in the History books.

    Perhaps the era of credit and greed!
  14. Submarine Tom

    Submarine Tom Previous Member

    "Ah, the times, they are a changing..." In ways we don't even know or realize yet...

    Hold onto your seat Ethel!


  15. masalai
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    masalai masalai

    Nothing new, exchange rates will be adjusted.. Those unprepared stand to loose big time.. USA has defaulted on payments before in the 30's when Gold was re-valued after it was confiscated from the citizenry and twice more this will make the fourth time and no-one collapsed more than usual...

    The fun will occur when 'Moodys' and 'S&P' et-al change the credit ratings of USA... As all the bonds will have to be sold off by trusts etc., that are limited by law to hold only "AAA rated assets"... and if the Credit rating agencies defer downgrading they could be sued into extinction and suffer at the hands of all the billions and billions of victims whose pension funds got washed away... Nothing more dangerous than someone who has lost everything....

    I do not know when CDO's will rear into causing an ugly panic, as USA currently holds more than US$600 trillion somewhere .............. Very TOXIC stuff ..................... :eek:

    The word I am hearing indicates that Australian Home values/prices will have to fall at least 20% in the near term (before end of 2011)... :eek:

    Some of the respected (NON-MAINSTREAM) analysts are suggesting US$8000/oz gold...

    I am ready to jump onto my boat and venture forth...
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