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Special Work Boat Moulds

Discussion in 'Boat Molds' started by comandantevittoremannazzu, Oct 7, 2017.

  1. comandantevittoremannazzu
    Joined: Jun 2017
    Posts: 0
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    Location: sardinia island Italy

    comandantevittoremannazzu New Member

    I am Comandante Vittore Mannazzu, founder with his Family of Orsa Maggiore Shipyard Italy
    since 33 years in lucky productions of Special Work Boats.
    (See our Web:www.orsa-maggiore.com)
    We are looking for younger "Entepreneurs" who wish to purchaise our *MOULDS*
    to continue our lucky productions of GRP important WORK BOATS from 10 to 15 meters,
    fulfilling the very many request of our Special Work Boats from Worldwide Markets.
    Our *Moulds* can produce the following important typologies of work boats :
    a) Professional Pilot Boats with "New NELSON" Moulds Loa 12 - 13 - 14 meters
    b) Professional Pilot Boats with "Port Pilots" Moulds Loa 11 meters
    c) Professional Fishing Boats:Loa 10 meters
    d) Professional Fishing Boats:Loa 12 -13,50 - 15 meters
    e) Hidrografic Boats: Loa 12 - 13,50 - 15 meters
    f) Crew Boats: Loa 12 - 13,50 - 15 meters
    g) Passenger Boats *LOVE BOAT*:Loa 12 -13,50 - 15 meters
    and many Others..
    Please have a look in the following link showing all our *Moulds* and their productions
    of Special Work Boats:

    If interested to purchaise one or more Moulds of your interest please contact us.
    At your diposal for any further detailed Infos of the Moulds of your interest.-
    Kindest Regards from Italy
    Comandante Vittore Mannazzu
    Email: <orsamarine@yahoo.it>
    Mobile 0039.335.6223270
    Orsa Maggiore Shipyard
    Zona Industriale
    Porto Torres

    Attached Files:
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