Soviet Tank in Afghanistan Repair Disposable Welding Stick Torch

Discussion in 'Materials' started by mtumut, Sep 13, 2016.

  1. mtumut
    Joined: Mar 2005
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    mtumut Junior Member

    Hello there,

    I watched an interesting program at tv ,may be 20 years ago. It was taken in Afganistan where Soviet soldiers uses a disposable welding torch stick to Repair work for tanks . I think they can repair the wounds on palette and body.
    Torch was lighted with cigarette lighter and directed to the steel wound and repaired the problem in few seconds. User was using it like a painter , left right movements.

    Does anyone knows these torches and would they be used to weld steel or aluminum boat ?

    Mustafa Umut Sarac
  2. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    There was something being promoted as a kind of solder for aluminium at one stage, but mostly for cosmetic repairs, not for actual construction of boats.
  3. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    Sounds like a kind of miracle device. You are talking about 30+ years ago. If it didn't hit the market in all these years, then it wasn't actually so useful in practice. Either that, or it was just a fancy Soviet propaganda for the media.
  4. mtumut
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    mtumut Junior Member

    I found thermal lance works like it. Someone told me about thermite.

    I dont know whether thermal lances works for welding .

    I watched a long video about soviet tank repair torch and its 1 foot long , peacefully burning , they were using it without googles and it was filling the gap very fast.
  5. CDK
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    CDK retired engineer

    The main application for thermal lances is cutting heavy steel objects like safe doors by people who do not have keys or access codes.
    It is also used for underwater salvage activities. For crude welding it is also used but there are restrictions: the amount of heat cannot be controlled and once lit there is no way to stop the chemical reaction.
  6. mtumut
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    mtumut Junior Member

    Do thermal lance supply welding metal in its body ? Or do we need to use another metal rod to melt and fill the gap ?
  7. CDK
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    CDK retired engineer

    Most contain Fe2O3 as an oxygen source, so after reduction there is free iron. It is hardly suitable for welding because the iron is not concentrated and very hot, causing it to splash in all directions. Crude horizontal welding is possible but with a lot of inclusions from other chemicals in the thermal lance like Cu and Mg.
  8. mtumut
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    mtumut Junior Member

    Do all thermal lances uses oxygen supply ? Is it possible to reduce the heat and stop splashing ?

    And where can I learn the the origin of above soviet tool for welding ? Is there russian welding forum ?
  9. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    But why on Earth would you want to use such unreliable and low-quality welding method?
  10. mtumut
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    mtumut Junior Member

    what are you talking about ? do you watch rambo everyday ?

  11. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    mtumut is something of a Walter Mitty-like character, remembering his other threads, he likes off-beat ideas perhaps a little too much.
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