South Korean ferry MV Sewol flips, 1/2 sunk in shallows, people trapped.....

Discussion in 'Stability' started by Squidly-Diddly, Apr 17, 2014.

  1. NoahWannabe
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    NoahWannabe Junior Member

    Government Responsibility

    I believe Prime Minister has resigned for not coordinating proper responses and making an insensitive comments.

    The head of Korean Coast Guard has also resigned for improper responses and reporting errorneously in public. However under criticism of leaving unfinished operation, he will stay on until end of current operations.

    The Korean president, elected into office last year, had to make a public apologies about not having proper safety governance policies in place and not coordinating effective rescue operation.
  2. ImaginaryNumber
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    Trial of South Korean Ferry Crew Begins | NEW YORK TIMES
  3. ImaginaryNumber
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    South Korean Ferry Captain Denies Neglecting Duty as Trial Begins | WALL STREET JOURNAL

    South Korean president to disband coast guard over ferry response | LOS ANGELES TIMES
    Trial of South Korean Ferry Crew Begins | NEW YORK TIMES
  4. ImaginaryNumber
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    The incredible South Korean hunt for the billionaire church leader who owned that ferry | WASHINGTON POST
  5. Pascal Warin
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    Pascal Warin Junior Member

    Oups !
  6. ImaginaryNumber
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    South Korea ferry disaster: owner blamed for 5 earlier crashes | CBC NEWS

  7. Pascal Warin
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    Pascal Warin Junior Member

    Every time we think there is no more dirt to discover another layer appear !
  8. sharpii2
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    sharpii2 Senior Member

    Looks like another case of "Too big to jail". Sound familiar?

    Since this billionaire schmuck refuses to be found, they ought to confiscate all his property, throw his church members our on the street, and nationalize his fleet.

    Probably the best punishment for the super rich who do bad is to reduce them to poverty. Their kids too, if they are dependent on inheriting Papa's fortune.
  9. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    All the money has been offshored already to puppet companies where his name is not attached. I bet the company is just a shell and really doesn't own the assets. Fairly typical for high liability operations.
  10. powerabout
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    powerabout Senior Member

    except that is illegal under Korean law so thats one of the things they have charged him with as they have realized he did it before in the previous bankruptcy
  11. ImaginaryNumber
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    The strange saga of now-dead billionaire South Korean ferry owner Yoo Byung-un | WASHINGTON POST
  12. ImaginaryNumber
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    After ferry deaths, prosecutors see a South Korean empire built on corruption | THE GLOBE AND MAIL
  13. sharpii2
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    A text book case for all those Libertarians out there.
  14. powerabout
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    powerabout Senior Member

    a text book case on how class works in Asia...
    probably the worst case though...

  15. Tad
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