Someone from US, need help establishing contact with marine timber/ply source

Discussion in 'Materials' started by xellz, Sep 17, 2019.

  1. xellz
    Joined: Jul 2017
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    xellz Senior Member

    Need help with establishing contact with marine timber/ply source. I.e. make a call on shops US only free line and ask if they are willing to ship to Japan roughly 400bf of timber and 80 pieces of okoume marine ply.

    I'm getting way behind comfortable building time frame. First option was Edensaw, they asked me to find freight forwarder and customs broker, after weeks and countless mails finally someone answered and agreed on the job. But answers from Edensaw are rather slow and random width, length(from 7 to 20feet) makes me hesitate. Not sure when order can be actually made with current pace. I also tried to contact clcboats since they do international shipping, no answers at all.

    Boulterplywood - this is the company i'm trying to contact now. They have what i'm looking for and doing all kinds of international shipping, prices look reasonable. But no contact via mail, seems heavily phone based work. At least reviews i could find were rather good.

    I admit, that i was rather naive at the point, when i thought to build a boat. The only way to build for me is timber/ply, due to costs and skills i have. I never imagined buying ply/timber would be this complicated in current age, where majority of products come from overseas.
  2. KeithO
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  3. xellz
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    xellz Senior Member

    Their offerings looks attractive, especially prices on well known brands of plywood. But they are located quite far from ports. Will send an inquiry just in case, if they can help me getting it shipped to Japan. Found a bit more about boulterplywood and with such circumstances, won't risk it and there is no need to contact them anymore (no email response too). Order process with Edensaw progressing really slowly and at this point i'm not even sure i can order.
  4. KeithO
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    KeithO Senior Member

    Lake Erie is a major waterway with freighters, so you might be mistaken about proximity to a port. I suggest you ask, they will let you know the options.
  5. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    Did you start the build?
  6. xellz
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    xellz Senior Member

    Material order still in progress, the process i thougt should take at most weeks in reality taking months, mostly due to slow unstable communication. At least better than simply being ignored, expect Edensaw and Clearfreight customs brokers no one even answered. Oh, just recently got half of quote (no timber prices, just a comment that they do have beautiful yellow cedar) ftom Boulter plywood that i requested about 2 months ago.

    Well, just little bit frustrated that so many things not going well
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2019
  7. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    Couldn't you just go to the mainland and find something there?
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2019
  8. xellz
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    xellz Senior Member

    I'm just complaining a bit, once materials reach most accumulated stress should be gone. Even with all those troubles i most likely still would attempt building Richards power cat. But perhaps would look into hand layup foam more. In addition epoxy import rules changed recently and i had a hard time finding replacement. One thing for sure, Japan is rather hostile environment for home builders :) Simply aproached this project from the wrong side.

  9. Martell
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    Martell Junior Member


    I might be able to help you with the global shipping issue. Pardon me if you already have explored this approach.

    First, you have to find a supplier for your material in general and work out your pricing. BTW I do not work for any of these companies I use them for my business. DHL, Fedex,... can handle the whole process from pickup at the factory/store/warehouse and delivery to your address. It's referred to as DTD Door-to-door in the international shipping community. They will help you assess if you need a full/partial container and all the particulars. They handle customs on both sides as well as including the bonds and insurance.

    Please review the following link: FedEx Trade Networks - International Direct Economy Ocean
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