Someone can help me please?

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Rico chico, Mar 2, 2024.

  1. Rico chico
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    Rico chico Junior Member

    Hi my name is Rico freshman here since yesterday having a boat was always part of my patient and dream after years and years planning I know will be no ending story until I make the first step forward.

    I have never built any boat before and know nothing about it as well is there anyone out there can just provide me the bones construction of the boat ?

    im planning build a catamaran aluminium about 15 metres long .
    sorry for my English.
    greeting from Poland.

  2. clmanges
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    clmanges Senior Member

    I can't help you much, but for those here who can, please specify motor of sail, and what kind of mission you have for it.

    One thing that does make sense as a first step is to build the dinghy for it first. You'll need that anyway.
    BlueBell and bajansailor like this.
  3. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Welcome to the Forum Rico.

    I will add +1 to the request by clmanges above for further information from yourself about the 15 metre aluminium catamaran which you would like to build.
    (incidentally the cat in my avatar photo is 15 metres, and aluminium - she was built in 2000 as a commercial coastal water taxi and is still engaged in this activity now)

    If you can establish a number of constraints re the vessel that you want to build, this will help a lot - further expanding from if it is power or sail, will it be for commercial or private use, how many people will it have to carry (or provide accommodation for), what is the planned service speed, what type of engines do you want to have (for example outboard engines, or inboard with shaft drives, or outdrive legs, or water jets) and what type of fuel (petrol or diesel - or even electric engines with lots of solar panels))?
    If a sailing boat, what type of sails, and what type of rig?
    Are you a good welder of aluminium, or will you engage others to do the welding for you?

    Do you have even a rough sketch or two showing what you have in mind?

    Edit - I just saw your previous post, in the Multihulls forum -
    Aluminum Strongall Sailing Catamaran Plans?

    This goes back to 2009, and the link for the De Villiers 62' cat design does not work.....
    However here is a link to a 16 metre aluminium sailing cat design by De Villiers - is this the type of boat that you have in mind?
    52 foot Aluminium Cruising Catamaran - Design #163 / #183 / #226 - De Villiers Marine Design
    BlueBell and DogCavalry like this.
  4. Rico chico
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    Rico chico Junior Member

    Hi thank you very much for the advice
  5. Rico chico
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    Rico chico Junior Member

    Thank you very much for the reply,this boat it’s for family of 5 :) I have 2 diesel engines each of 250 horses power.
    I’m good with welding and I also have my own factory of aluminium production with CNC cutting machines etc.
    I was checking the website find this Noaha55 seems very suits my need .
    If it’s possible will be great you can help me with the construction plan and cutting flies just wanna make sure build a safe boat body :)
    Best regards
  6. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Hi Rico, I think I could help you with exactly what you need. I have quite a bit of experience on those topics. PM me for more details, if that's okay with you.
  7. Rico chico
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    Rico chico Junior Member

    Hi Tansl can you write me your email?
  8. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    I think you mean this Nahoa 55 - 17m Aluminium Expedition Catamaran Nahoa - Design #242 - De Villiers Marine Design

    In the link they mention :
    "Build this boat yourself if you are game enough!
    Better still – We are associated with preferred shipyards on 5 continents and in more than 10 countries… craft and customise your perfect boat to suit your budget!"

    In this link they mention the cost of their plans - the cost of the complete set of plans for the Nahoa 55 is US$ 45,300.
    PRICING & STOCK PLANS - De Villiers Marine Design

    You are certainly off to a very good start with such a facility available!
    However you would still need to do all the outfitting of the vessel once the aluminium work has been completed - would the workforce in your factory be able to help you with this as well?
  9. Rico chico
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    Rico chico Junior Member

    Yes I’m able to do all those work of outfitting at my place.
    Is there any chance that I just get the body bone structure? Just wanna make sure the boat it’s on the right shape and I will do all the electrical and interior DIY etc,
    Best regards
  10. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    You could maybe try asking Mr De Villiers if he would just sell you the cutting files for the aluminium components, rather than the complete design?
  11. Rico chico
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    Rico chico Junior Member

    I hope can work this way :) btw are you a designer? Or

  12. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    I designed the 15 metre ally cat in my avatar photo, but this was very simple in comparison to a complex beast like the De Villiers Nahoa 55, which would be way beyond my abilities - also, I do not have a CAD system that can generate plate nesting and cutting files for the aluminium parts.
    However there are experienced naval architects on here like @Ad Hoc and @TANSL who would be very capable when it comes to doing a project like this.
    I think that you should contact Mr De Villiers first though, as his Nahoa 55 is already designed, and he might be agreeable to selling you just the cutting files for the aluminium components.
    Ad Hoc, Rico chico and BlueBell like this.
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