Some people should not own boats!

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by BHOFM, Jun 30, 2009.

  1. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    I have no sympathy for them. Your slip way if fantastic and cheap as chips. We had to launch in an old ICI sluce gate onto a filthy river, we would ski every day in summer.

    You had to get in a que to launch, I put a tow ball on the front bumper of my Oldsmobile cutlass to launch faster. I jamed on the bakes and threw the boat off. It would bump into a mud bank somewhere and I would swim for it after parking.

    To get back to the point behavior like that at your place is just mind boggling and could be dangerous . They were luck it wasn't tidal.
  2. ancient kayaker
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    ancient kayaker aka Terry Haines

    "The "gentleman" ... got out of line ..."

    Now that's what I call Chutzpah! Even better story than the first post!

    Actually, my first reaction on reading the first post was, he was only stealing the boat ... hmmm, and maybe the wife.
  3. Fanie
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    Fanie Fanie

    Maybe the tide came up too fast, or the brakes are not too good or in too much of a hurry to get afloat... (I feel that way when I'm off water for too long and can understand the urge :D).
  4. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    Fannie Fannie Fannie,--its a lake. They dont have tides on lakes, or container terminals either for that matter.
  5. marshmat
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    marshmat Senior Member

    If I'm ever at that Ontario Street ramp again, I'll get a photo for you guys... this thing is among the worst I've seen. At 30 feet out it's still only two feet deep. Nothing bigger than a Hobie Cat can get in, except maybe an Amphicar. Oh, and they tried to protect the shore around it with those chicken-wire gabion baskets a few years ago... now that those are all rusted out, there's rusty wire and scattered stones everywhere as the sidewalk collapses into the lake.

    BHOFM, did I hear you right, $30 a YEAR to use that ramp? There are places around here where you can rack up a bill that size or larger with one launch and a night's worth of parking. And they're not nearly so nice.
  6. Fanie
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    Fanie Fanie

    You don't say. You're much too clever since you got that 'holier than though' avatar. One Q - is that REALLY you... ?

    Well, here by us it sometimes looks like the tide goes out - every time I pull a big fish out of the water. Then when I put it back the tide comes back in.

    This is why I'm into boating. If you pull the fish onto the boat the aditional displacement prevents tides. You can call me considerate if you want :D
  7. Fanie
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    Fanie Fanie

    I've seen the two extremes too Mat. The one is as you say, 500m in and you're still ancle deep. The other is when they have an underwater cliff they built the ramp on. In about two meters in the trailer goes vertical :rolleyes:

    Worst is when the cement was a bit on the short side or the 'tide' came in before they finished construction. Just before the boat floats the 500m thick slab ends apruptly, it usually ends up with the trailer lying on it's chassis with the wheels dangling 20mm above the gravel.
  8. fasteddy106
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    fasteddy106 Junior Member

    Reminds me of a couple of years ago when splashing my boat. Two kids watched me holding lines fore and aft while my buddy backed down the ramp, I pulled it to the dock and secured it. The kids told me I made it look easy but not as funny as a guy earlier in the day. Seems he forgot to take off the strap on the transom holding the boat to the trailer. The trailer pulled the transom under at the outboard mount, the guy didn't see it happening, the boat filled up and dragged the Subaru with it off the ramp and into the water. Can you imagine that phone call to the wife.
  9. BHOFM
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    BHOFM Senior Member

    It is $15 for us old folks. Over 62.

    And remember, this is the home of WalMart and all those
    $100,000,000+++ a year executives have to have a nice place
    to keep their boats.
  10. ancient kayaker
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    ancient kayaker aka Terry Haines

    Sure they do. In most of the smaller lakes in Ontario the tide goes out around October and comes back in again in April.
  11. Luckless
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    Luckless Senior Member

    The Great Lakes in North America have tides (a few cm at best) and container terminals.
  12. BHOFM
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    BHOFM Senior Member

    A friend of mines daughter did a science project and measured
    the tide effect on a drinking glass of water.

    We built her a air tight enclosure and she used mirrors
    and a small lazer and tracked it over several months.

    There is a tide in a glass of water!
  13. apex1

    apex1 Guest

    Whith a much simpler setup I regularely measure the tide in my glass of Beer, and there is a tide! The amplitude though is a bit faster than under my bu.t.
  14. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    Not temperature and expansion then? Evaporation?

  15. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    Ahhh rain season and dry season.
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