Some people should not own boats!

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by BHOFM, Jun 30, 2009.

  1. BHOFM
    Joined: Jun 2008
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    BHOFM Senior Member

    Or Kids. Or Dogs maybe??

    Went to the lake this morning, lots of wind, had a ball.
    Took a couple of waves over the bow. Got the rail under
    a couple of times as well.

    Maybe a half gallon in the boat tops. The limbers work.

    Now the part about the boat, kids and dogs..

    While I was at the ramp a gentleman and his wife and
    two kids, plus small white dog launched a power boat.
    The gentleman directed his wife down the ramp, she did
    fine, he climbed in the boat, unhooked it from the trailer,
    and moved it to the public dock.
    His wife and kids, with life jackets on, they were, little
    girl maybe three, four, young man, maybe six, seven.
    Wife, blond, cute, very fit, joined him in the boat and
    they motored away into the sunset with the dog acting
    as a figure head for the boat, barking orders at the
    other boaters.

    As they powered up and took off once out of the no
    wake area, I wonder how long it was before they
    remembered the truck was still on the ramp, trailer
    in the water and motor running????

    I know it was there over four hours!! I told a ranger
    when I left.

    Oh well, it will be easy to load when they get back,
    if it is still there???
  2. masalai
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    masalai masalai

    I am surprised someone did not claim it as abandoned?:D:D:D
  3. jtd
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    jtd Junior Member


    well theres alot of idiots out there, was there another ramp?

    know that I thought about it a second, you could of had some fun to teach them a lesson "not destroying anything"

    1. you could have pulled it up, parked it left a note explaining what they did & that you moved it, ending with "so I have your keys didnt want you truck stolen call me to get them back" But dont sign it.

    2. moved it & park it in a tow away zone!

    I'll stop there
  4. BHOFM
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    BHOFM Senior Member

    I thought about just locking the doors, leaving it running
    right where it was.

    They way people are any more, I wouldn't touch it period.

    The ramp is very wide, six or eight can launch at the
    same time. And on a Tuesday, it ain't very busy.

    This was sometime ago, not the same truck. Just to
    show you how big the ramp area is.

  5. Jeff
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    Jeff Moderator

    Shouldn't the title be "some people should not own trucks?" :p
  6. BHOFM
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    BHOFM Senior Member

    Years ago, early 70's boat ramps in this area had valet
    parking. You just drove up, got a number and went to
    the dock. The boat was brought to you and your car, truck
    was parked in the lot. When you got back you just pulled
    up to the dock, got out of your boat and went to the parking
    area and there was your car, truck with the boat on the trailer,
    tired down and ready to go.

    Cost one dollar. We usually tipped the guy fifty cents or so.

    In six or seven years of this, I never had a problem, scratched boat, car, truck, any thing missing or ever

    At a couple of the docks, if you got fuel, the parking, launch
    fee was waived. The fuel was higher at the dock than in
    town, I think it was $.45 at the dock and $.30 at the stations
    in town.
  7. Fanie
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    Fanie Fanie

    I didn't know moderators can post too :D, but Jeff has a point. The truck owners here experience some muscle distrophy, the bigger the truck the wider the arms swings away from the body. Personally I think the number on the truck is not the engine size, rather the driver IQ, like 3.0 :rolleyes: You can see it in the way they drive too.
  8. BHOFM
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    BHOFM Senior Member

    Just info: The truck was a red Ford, four door, 4X, diesel,
    with the little short bed, Hugh wheels and tires. Looked
    brand new.
    And the right rear door was also left open.
  9. uncleralph
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    uncleralph Junior Member

    This is one of my favorite boat launch pictures.[​IMG]
  10. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    Its a trick picture its been reversed. If you reverse it then the car would be the other way round.
  11. jtd
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    jtd Junior Member


    Boy I really would like to here the excuse on how this happened.............
  12. apex1

    apex1 Guest

    Be patient finally the boat will get afloat! Even this way.
  13. marshmat
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    marshmat Senior Member

    True, apex1, but what'll it cost to get the shattered pieces of the high-mount brake lamp out of the outboard's water pump?

    BHOFM, I am insanely jealous of your ramp.... tried to launch at the one near my apartment a few weeks ago, the darn thing's heaved in the frost and filled in with sediment- I had the front wheels touching the water and the bunks weren't even wet yet. Gave up on that pretty quickly....
  14. masalai
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    masalai masalai

    marsh, the boat goes first (in reverse) not as above:D:D:D - at least your words did not contradict my impression :D:D:D

  15. BHOFM
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    BHOFM Senior Member

    This is an Army corp of engineers lake. The ramps are
    paved way down it to the lake.
    It is not free. It costs $30, $15 if you are old :p , per year
    to use these. There are free ramps as well, they are paved
    and kept nice, but have no docks and no security.

    Well, It did not have a happy ending.
    I asked the ranger if I should have moved the truck.
    He said absolutely not. Do not touch someone's
    property without their knowledge. This is federal property
    and it can be serious.

    They had the truck towed. It had no tag on the trailer.
    The "gentleman" called to report his truck and trailer
    stolen when he got back to the ramp. They called him
    back and told him where his truck and trailer was. But
    he could not get it back till the next day. And he would
    need a release from the sheriffs office to get it out.
    He got out of line with the girl at the sheriffs office and
    got a ticket for blocking the ramp and not having a tag
    for the trailer. And had to pay for all the towing and
    stuff and for keeping his boat in a slip overnight.

    He was from out of state BTW. I won't say where, we
    might have some members from Missouri.

    There are nice people, I know. I just don't know which
    ones they are, maybe we need to wear a sign??

    Also, today the sheriffs boat stalled on the lake, battery
    was total dead, no radios. They called for help, but
    it was going to be a bit, so I found someone to tow
    them in, my boat couldn't handle it! We got them back
    to the marina.

    Beautiful day on the lake as well, nice winds, not too
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