Some one has to start it, Americas default.

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by Frosty, Jul 29, 2011.

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  1. bntii
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    bntii Senior Member

    Its called a recession


    Employment rates have been improving for the last 25 years & are currently taking a hit during this slow down.

    "One of the main reasons for this state of affairs is that in 11 years 11.7 million good paying jobs have been shipped to foreign low wage countries in the name of free trade, globalization, offshoring and outsourcing."


    Michel Chossudovsky's 'Global' site does not serve as valid information on anything other than the authors agenda which is decidedly anti-american & pro- conspiracy:

    "Chossudovsky claims that the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is actually an operational weapon of mass destruction, with the power to alter the weather, disrupt regional electrical power systems, and modify the Earth's magnetic field, as well as potentially trigger earthquakes and affect people's health"

    "Rarely acknowledged in the debate on global climate change, the world’s weather can now be modified as part of a new generation of sophisticated electromagnetic weapons. Both the US and Russia have developed capabilities to manipulate the climate for military use."
    "In the US, the technology is being perfected under the High-frequency Active Aural Research Program (HAARP) as part of the ("Star Wars") Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI). Recent scientific evidence suggests that HAARP is fully operational and has the ability of potentially triggering floods, droughts, hurricanes and earthquakes."
    "From a military standpoint, HAARP is a weapon of mass destruction. Potentially, it constitutes an instrument of conquest capable of selectively destabilising agricultural and ecological systems of entire regions."
    Michel Chossudovsky's 2007

    Hardly a source worth citing outside of it's abundant entertainment value
  2. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    Ooops its starting, the demise of USA, its starting--just a little bit is poking through and no one with a needle to fix it.

    Ive heard that Mexicans are going back home. I also read the USA is spending billion on a new re usable mudule for further outer space travel to find Aliens.

    Is it me or can any one else see something wrong with this. Seems like its only some people in America is having trouble for others its business as usuall, providing its important of course.
  3. Boston

    Boston Previous Member

    wasn't referring to anyone on here really, just a generalization about the politicians we seem to be stuck with. They are either all one way or all the other, what ever happened to middle ground. No one is even remotely willing to compromise and actually get anything done. Not one of them seems to give a rats *** about jobs in this country. Although they sure talk up a storm about it. Check there voting records on moving biz overseas and its pretty clear they are to a man completely full of **** with whatever end of the lie they are peddling

    I just detest politicians
    Once a friend told me some state senator was coming to speak at the local bar. Pretty sure it was G Fart or someone like that. I asked if he'd prefer to bring the rope or the wood for the scaffolding.
  4. bntii
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    bntii Senior Member

    oops- forgot the :).. I was just joshing around.
  5. Bamby
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    Bamby Junior Member

    Amerika, Yes purposeful satirical alternative spelling for the United States of America of Today.

    Nuff Said are you living in a "Free Country" :(
  6. Dave Gudeman
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    Dave Gudeman Senior Member

    First, I didn't say that Republicans are less corrupt, although they obviously are. Since the Democrats own almost the entire news media and entertainment media (with a few exception like talk radio and Fox News), Democrats can get away with a lot more. Did you know that until a couple of years ago, there was a former leader of the KKK in the US Senate and that this former leader of the KKK had actually filibustered civils rights legislation to prevent blacks from having the right to vote? If he had been a Republican instead of a Democrat, I can guarantee that you would have known about it because every story that mentioned him would have brought it up. Did you know that there is a sitting Congressman today who was impeached for corruption as a federal judge? If he were a Republican, I can guarantee that you would know about it. I'm sure you know about the gay Republican who got in so much trouble for sending sexually provocative messages to a male page. Do you know about the Democrat 10 years earlier who actually took a 17-year-old male page on a vacation? (The congressman claimed that they didn't actually have sex until after the kid turned 18.) Do you know about the gunrunner scandal where the US government forced Arizona gun stores to sell weapons to drug runners? Did you know that new evidence shows that (1) similar things happened in at least three other states, (2) several Obama cabinet members are involved, (3) federal agents themselves bought guns and delivered them to known narco terrorists, and (4) hundreds of people have been killed by these guns? Republican scandals get daily coverage on almost every news outlet (including Fox News, BTW), but this gets a big "meh" from the same people. This administration has been wall-to-wall scandals, and the media has ignored almost all of them.

    That's why Democrats are corrupt than Republicans, because the Democrats can get away with it and Republicans can't. In fact, I think that on itself is a good reason to vote Republican. Vote for the party that the major news media is against. That way you know that the media will do its job and search out corruption.

    That is strategically a bad idea. Existing parties have huge advantages, not only because of party-line voters but because of biases built into election law. It is much better to take over one of the existing parties, throw the bums out and elect new people who aren't corrupt yet. That's what the Tea Party is trying to do. It is a hostile takeover of the Republican party.

    I don't think you could do the same with the Democrat party because they have their hooks into so much of the social infrastructure --very powerful people who have a vested interest in keeping the party just the way it is. Republicans don't have that kind of organization outside of the party itself.

    You have no idea what the Tea Party is about if you haven't actually read what they say. For one thing, the Tea Party has a large percentage of libertarians, many of whom have the same irrational hatred of Christians that you do.

    No revolution based on envy has ever ended well. Read up on the French Revolution. People who are disposed towards violence because they are pissed off that some people are richer than them are the same kinds of people who are disposed to violence to get other things they want and you have --boats, houses, wives, etc. You really don't want to empower that kind of sociopath.

    Tell your younger-generation acquaintances that just because someone else is better off, that doesn't make them worse off. They are living far better today than kings lived 200 years ago. Just because they have to take their 2-week vacations in Montana instead of touring Europe for 2-months, that doesn't mean that they can't have a fantastic vacation and that their life isn't great. Comparing your life to other people's will bring you nothing but grief. It's a loser's game.
  7. Boston

    Boston Previous Member

    interesting and thoughtful response Dave, lets see where we can agree and where we don't. If you'll forgive my failure to convey the tact I might ( and I repeat might ;-) normally in a verbal conversation.

    whats funny is that in the end I think we probably agree on a lot more than we disagree on and it might be fairly said that we each have fallen into a propaganda trap opposite the other. Thing is to separate fact from fiction, and determine who's lying to who. I'd tend to take the safe way out and simply believe they're all lying. Everyone from the corporate oligarchy obviously in it entirely for themselves to the wanna be do gooder politician who finds him/herself so bombarded by corruption at every turn and the lure of all the millions they simply can't survive, and eventually is lying through there teeth just like all the rest. Granted its far more likely they went in corrupt and were aiming for the graft than not, but the most likely scenario is they intended to "join the pack", far more likely that the basic politician is hoping to be bribed/take the "donation" and earn the big bucks, far more likely that they actively sought those huge campaign contributions knowing they could keep the left overs, and highly unlikely that an honest person could possibly survive the corruption and pressure of the present system long enough to actually do much for the common man. My two cents is while its true that one bad apple does not wreck the whole barrel, I'd hesitate to dig through a whole barrel of rotten maggot ridden apples hoping to find one edible one, and having "maybe" found it, take a bite
  8. boat fan
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    boat fan Senior Member

    IMF infects Greece , Finland next

    Reggie Middleton : The Economic Republic of JP Morgan.

    "JP Morgan`s notional derivative value alone is nearly six times the GDP of the US , and , literally outstrips the ENTIRE WORLD`s economy by $ 21 Trillion.
  9. troy2000
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    troy2000 Senior Member

    Dave, most of your diatribe is a pack of half-truths, distortions and exaggerations, meant to convince us that Democrats are evil, freedom-hating monsters. I started to go through it bit by bit, and finally decided it's like Erik Von Daniken's writings: he packed so much malarkey into his books (for example, Chariots of the Gods) that it would take a dozen books to refute one of his. It's ridiculously easy to make sensational claims, if you don't bother to back them up.

    But I'll hit a few highlights:

    The idea that you can't believe the mainstream news media because it's all owned and run by a bunch of lying liberals has become an article of faith among the followers of rabidly right-wing radio. That doesn't make it true.

    "Here's a reality check.... The mainstream media are no more liberal than the conglomerates that own them or the advertisers that pay their bills."

    You mention Strom Thurmond and his filibuster of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and you're right; he was a Democrat. What you conveniently ignore is that after it passed, he switched parties and became a Republican -- like a whole lot of other white southerners. Which is how the South a hundred years after the Civil War came to be dominated by the Party of Abe Lincoln, instead of the Party of Jefferson Davis and his Copperhead sympathisers.

    Gary Studd's affair with a 17 year old page? It happened twenty eight years ago. You think that might explain why fewer people know about it today than know about Larry Craig's escapades in airport bathrooms? I assure you it was all over the news in 1983....

    Operation Fast and Furious, the sting program that allowed straw purchasers to buy guns for Mexican cartels? It was stupidly conceived and even more stupidly carried out. Heads should roll. But show me evidence that 'several Obama Cabinet members' knew about it, and show me documentation that 'hundreds of people' were killed by those guns. I don't think you can do either.

    So on and so forth....
  10. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    Poor people live a better life than kings did 200 years ago?

    I like that one, Im gonna use that this afternoon.
  11. boat fan
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    boat fan Senior Member

    Point well taken Frosty...
  12. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    You don't sound convinced.

    We take for granted some amazing things that very rich people could not possibly do 200 years ago, that poor (say low income Us or Australia) people may do just once or twice in their life.

    Fly 2 miles in the sky at 700 mph
    Drive a car from one end of the state to another at over 80 mph
    Have a dentist remove an agonizing tooth with very little pain.
    Have a kidney stone removed while being unconscious, and not have to be held down before you pass out.
    Get a regular cheque from a charity or government agency so you can buy food and not starve to death.
    Be able to call a policeman for free when your house is being attacked by thugs.
    View events as they happen on the other side of the world.
    Be able to read (say on the internet or public library) more information ( say technical info, scientific principles or history) than all the people in the history of the world ever read, up to 50 years ago.
    Live to over 60 years old, in relatively good health.

    maybe you can think of a few more things ...
  13. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    Be indoctrinated by state run telly whilst your children are indoctrinated in state run schools.
  14. bntii
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    bntii Senior Member

    hoyte- if indoctrination if so rampant, how do so many come up sitting neatly on each side of all the fences running through our free society?

    I always wonder about country music.
    Why so many lovers outside of Texas.

    Genetics? Some subtle clues in early childhood? Diet? Indoctrination?

    -Or perhaps simple choice.-

    The most telling characteristic of our little clan is consumerism.
    Genetics again- we all want to walk like ducks if we find ourselves in their midst, but we are free to shape our lives around what we find to be important.


  15. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    Country music didn't start in Texas. It traces back to Ireland.
    Indoctrination fails because of the strength of the human spirit not to surrender one's freedom of thought. Of course re-education camps or a small calibre round can correct that. Roseann Barr can tell you more about that.
    Genetics? Hardly. Cultural differences? More likely.
    Some groups are more malleable than others and easier to be led by some Judas goat.
    Others are more like cats and harder to herd. I prefer to be more like one of the latter group.
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