Solent University Opportunities

Discussion in 'Education' started by sharpiedory, Oct 19, 2023.

  1. sharpiedory
    Joined: Oct 2023
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    sharpiedory Junior Member

    Hi everyone,

    I’m a student at the landing school and I’m considering continuing for 2 years at Solent University to get a BEng degree in Yacht and Powercraft design. I’m wondering if anyone from the Solent program has gone on to work in the commercial naval architecture and marine engineering world as I understand it doesn’t mix well with the yacht industry. I’m finding myself more interested in the commercial engineering problem solving work than design. I’m wondering if it’s reasonable to go to Solent for 2 years and then take a MSc in marine engineering at Southampton University or other comparable programs. I notice many jobs posted on SNAME require a bachelors in naval architecture so I wonder if the BEng in yacht design would suffice or if I should get a masters. I’m 32 so I’m trying to balance minimizing additional time in education vs career prospects and job security.

    Any thoughts are appreciated
  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Welcome to the Forum Sharpie.

    I attended Solent University 40 years ago, when it was the Southampton College of Higher Education, and I got an HND in Naval Architecture then.
    At the time they were also running a Diploma course in Yacht & Boat Design, but this is now the BEng course, which is much more substantial.
    I would think that a BEng in Yacht Design from Solent University will certainly satisfy any of the jobs on SNAME that require a bachelor's degree in naval architecture.
    Go for it, and then decide later on if you really want to do a Masters degree in (eg) Marine Engineering.
  3. sharpiedory
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    sharpiedory Junior Member

    Thank you Bajansailor, nice to hear from an alumnus.
  4. AAD0006
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    AAD0006 New Member

    Sent me your email in PM, fellow alumni from both programs, would love to chat.
  5. sharpiedory
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    sharpiedory Junior Member

    thank you!
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2023
  6. Pippag
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    Pippag New Member

    Embarking on my dream journal journey has been an exhilarating odyssey through the landscapes of my subconscious. The chicago style format , with its meticulous guidelines, seamlessly organizes my nocturnal musings into a literary tapestry. Each entry, a vivid stroke on the canvas of my aspirations, follows the Chicago Style's elegant structure. It's not just a collection of dreams; it's a narrative of my desires, cataloged with precision. The footnotes, like whispers of encouragement, annotate my subconscious wanderings. In this disciplined dance between the surreal and the systematic, my dream journal transcends a mere diary—it becomes a chronicle of hope, perfectly formatted in Chicago Style.
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  7. CDBarry
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    CDBarry Senior Member

    I worked with a Solent B.S. grad (in yachts, as I recall) for a couple of years in the offshore oil industry (a long time ago - during Maggie) and I was quite impressed with his capabilities.

  8. LoweliDemil
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    LoweliDemil New Member

    Reminds me of when I was weighing my options at Oxford Academy. Balancing time in education with career prospects is definitely a tough decision, especially at 32. It sounds like you have a clear vision of what you want to pursue in the marine engineering world. Taking the route of continuing at Solent for two years and then pursuing a MSc at Southampton University sounds like a solid plan.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2024
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