solar panels and refrgeration

Discussion in 'OnBoard Electronics & Controls' started by urisvan, Jun 6, 2010.

  1. capt littlelegs
    Joined: Apr 2010
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    capt littlelegs New Member

    This is the Walt guy who is arrogant enough to think he knows better than everyone else on any subject and will lecture you in his patronising way but actually he has never lifted a tool in any professional capacity in his life, has no qualifications or meaningful experience to the subject in hand or been subject to or even considers any regulatory or sensible safety control, he will get you killed or injured! He never stops poking his nose in and would have you believe that neg rep points reflect technical ability instead of revenge meted out by him and his cronies in fits of pique whenever they can't prove me wrong, and that is quite often as you can see. :D

    For the benefit of CDK, don't take the top off your battery box or you could end up like the poor fellow who accidentally placed his gas tank on top of it!! :eek: :D
  2. apex1

    apex1 Guest

    There is a good reason why you have´nt seen that. It is a nonsense.
    Having a box to collect accidential acid spill (from blown / cooked batteries) is recommended, but there is no need for a full enclosure or overboard ventilation.

  3. Bglad
    Joined: May 2010
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    Bglad Senior Member

    He was correct in his assessment that you are a pro, I took the lid off the battery comment to be tongue in cheek... If anyone else didn't listen to CaptLL!
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  4. CDK
    Joined: Aug 2007
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    CDK retired engineer

    I always put the gas tank on top of the battery with an old newspaper in between. Tried it the other way around, but the battery kept sliding off the pressure regulator....
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2010
  5. capt littlelegs
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    capt littlelegs New Member

    More "know it all" vultures!
  6. apex1

    apex1 Guest

    What do you assume little.. we focus on the timber and resin when building boats? Our knowledge comes to halt when installing propulsion or wiring?

    Your battery "tank" is nonsense and not required by a single certification body.
  7. capt littlelegs
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    capt littlelegs New Member

    Well yes actually.

    If you say so but I never said it was anyway, I said my boat was built to a Lloyds spec, that's good enough for sensible people. Your boats might have insurance issues. :)
  8. apex1

    apex1 Guest

    I agree that Lloyds is good enough for sensible people, so, even you should be fine with it.:p
    The only one proper yacht insurance in the world*** is by so far fine with our boats (built to CE or GL / DNV), thanks.:p

  9. M&M Ovenden
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    M&M Ovenden Senior Member

    Humm. Storing batteries in a vented battery box seems quite sensible to me but the "vented like propane box" got me wondering. Don't the batteries have to be somewhat more protected from salt water than propane bottles?
    Chlorine gases also have to be considered, mostly if the batteries are stored in living area (which batteries under bunks, aren't uncommon)

  10. apex1

    apex1 Guest


    vented is of course right. Vented into a living area is not perfect (but common) I concur. But "like a Propane storage" is overkill, no doubt. Therefore Cornelis was right.

  11. capt littlelegs
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    capt littlelegs New Member

    I did say vented to the outside like gas/LPG not the same as, LPG is vented down, hydrogen is vented up so there won't be any saltwater issues.
  12. CDK
    Joined: Aug 2007
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    CDK retired engineer

    Actually the Norwegian boat builders used to put both batteries and propane tank in the engine compartment opposite to each other. There is plenty of ventilation there, plus a large bilge blower with a 4" hose reaching down to the lowest point and a passive duct doing the same. And an automatic fire extinguisher was standard equipment.

    In my opinion the biggest hazard on board is gasoline.
  13. apex1

    apex1 Guest

    Dare to disagree Cornelis!

    Gasoline, propane, Hydrogen and open Phosphor on board a boat with strong smokers are less a concern than a single littlelegs would be.:p :p

    But we come a bit off topic do´nt we?
  14. capt littlelegs
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    capt littlelegs New Member

    I wonder how many are stll alive? A fire extinguisher is no match for a gas explosion (no pun), petrol/gasoline - liquified petroleum gas, I can't see a lot of difference.

  15. capt littlelegs
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    capt littlelegs New Member

    I'll take that as a compliment but there will be no heavy smoking aboard my boat... unless it's that calming Dutch stuff from the coffee shop of course! :)
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