Software budgeting - opening my own technical office (trawlers, barges, tugs, etc.)

Discussion in 'Software' started by Ing de la Rosa, Sep 26, 2018.

  1. Ing de la Rosa
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    Ing de la Rosa HISPAINGENERIA

    Hello I'm going to open a new technical office for develop engineering project trawlers, barges, tugs etc I'm study which are the several software to purchase to begining . I think with this software i could to develop well :
    Navcad and propcad for propulsion
    Defcar or shipconstructor for cam of detail
    Maxsurf or delfship for calculations
    Shipflow for CFD
    Ansys or femap for FEM
    Pipeflow for CAE piping
    Cadworks for piping CAM details
    Autocad and autocad electrical

    The question for you if do you think I will need more software or you think there are better software ratio quality/costs

    Many thanks
  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Welcome to the forum.
    There is no doubt that you have a great budget if you are going to buy all that software. But you should study previously or be guided by someone experienced because there are several programs on your list that perform the same function, carry out the same calculations. By the way, you would do well to buy some software for scantlings calculations.
    Good luck with your technical office project.
  3. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    Some good ideas there, but its a bit cart before the horse.

    You buy the Software that your Employees know and use, not the Software, and hope your employees can learn it.
  4. Ing de la Rosa
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    Ing de la Rosa HISPAINGENERIA

    Hello and thanks I have background in almost all of them developing engineering like a employe in several enterprises.

    About scantling I use the mars 2000 by veristar and my own spreadsheets if the class is other than BV

    The cause of I will purchase some programs with the same function is the flexibility of the projects and some programs like cadworxs pipng
    Shipconstructor and defcar have piping module but you expend more time than cadworks if the project is for instance only to do the pipe in a desing did it in other platform software.
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    You might consider consolidating some of the functions you identified into a single software package such as NX, CATIA, Solid Edge, Solidworks, etc.

  6. Ing de la Rosa
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    Ing de la Rosa HISPAINGENERIA

    Hello Rob yes I considered in the past and I did several complete course of catia and solidworks I have this softwares and my opinion in naval engineering only I can use in mechanical pieces, piping and basics FEM calculations but is not flexibility in naval structure desing. Hull desing the drafting module under my opinion is not good for naval engineering. Are too parametric softwares
  7. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Why do not you consider, among your preferences, the FORAN option? It's better than everyone on your list, by far.
  8. Ing de la Rosa
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    Ing de la Rosa HISPAINGENERIA

    Because is too expensive have a complete license to cover all areas and in this program I haven't background and I will must contract and buy the capacitation and support
  9. Ing de la Rosa
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    Ing de la Rosa HISPAINGENERIA

    I think foran is for a yards and I go to open an small technical study oficce to begin
  10. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    So my advice is that you start with AutoCAD, Maxsurf and Rhino. Little by little you will see what else you may need. You do not have to buy everything at the same time.
    rwatson likes this.
  11. Ing de la Rosa
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    Ing de la Rosa HISPAINGENERIA

    Yes I agree with you ten years ago to the actually I have and I work until actually, I have this versions with Rhino 5, Maxsurf V.20 AND autocad 15, this is the base in ais design computer. but such all naval engineers known this is basics programs you must to have high bacground, but if you go to open a technical office like me, the programs wich you must have and use are more specific and cover areas enough to have competitive in the market

  12. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    With these three tools, if you know how to use them, you can carry out all the work that, apparently, you want to develop in your new technical office. They will be outdated or not, I think not, but for "trawlers, barges, tugs, etc." you will not need anything else. (By the way AutoCAD 2015 could also be said to be obsolete)
    Analyze your potential clients and see what they would like to ask an office like yours. Adapt to what you can really sell and acquire the necessary tools to meet the real needs of your customers.
    From my point of view that is a wrong approach that can greatly limit the possibilities of expanding your business. The shipyards have the FORAN system and in many cases they need to contract engineering works with companies from abroad, naval technical offices. In such cases, it is essential to homogenize the information, in quantity and quality, so it is necessary that the systems are homologous both in the shipyard and in the subcontractors. There are a large number of technical offices that, for this reason, have acquired FORAN licenses.
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