Small trimarans under 20'

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Doug Lord, Jun 24, 2012.

  1. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Colson 5.5 with lifting foils

    One of the very, very few small tri's using lifting foils. Looking forward to some video. Designed and built by the owner.
    Description from MA:
    A mate of mine, Barry Colson has designed and built himself a little tri. It's just been launched, although still needs some finishing touches.

    It's 5.5m long. 4m beam. 380kg. Built from ply.
    Has a centreboard in the main hull, but as you can see also has some lifting boards in the amas just for something extra to play with.

    Looks like a bit of fun, without costing the world.


    Attached Files:

  2. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Last edited: Dec 4, 2015
  3. Cholsson
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    Cholsson Junior Member

    Astus 16.5 look soooo sweet. Want to ser more wind and the speed

  4. rcnesneg
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    rcnesneg Senior Member

    Mini Hydroptere Footage

    Found more footage of the 20 foot Hydroptere prototype!

    Skip to 0:08 and 1:59. Looks like it has a bit of a hard time with consistant lift on the leeward foil there. Wondering if more development would cure that?
  5. pogo
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    pogo ingenious dilletante

    After the tiny Sardine Run ,designed by Eric Henseval,
    the french yard Sardineboats presents and builds an own design , the Sardine 19.
    A sexy state-of- the - art Trimaran, plywood-epoxy, also available as kit.Telescopic beams, aft cockpit and one occasional berth are the main features.
    Have a a look:

    Unfortunately they took off the pics of the building-process from their HP.

    While the little , tiny Sardine Run is flat bottomed and the bottom of the mainhull is very curved in the aft section, the Sardine 19 has sharper single chined hulls with very little rocker.
    The mast is set at about 50% !
    The boat of course has a bowsprit for a gennacker. Code 0 might be possible, but who wants that on a daysailer ?
    State-of-the-art, everything u think u must have nowadays.
    With 23m2 upwind the boat has enough good managable sailarea. Gennacker has 16m2 .
    Notice: Dinghy size and 300kg empty.

    i think the first boat is ready now.

    However , they use basaltfibers instead of carbon fibers for connecting the panels and bulkheads. Basalt fibers are much cheaper with nearly the same strength as carbon. i think they were invented in Russia ( aeronautics--"rough" but reliable and very performing , think of Sojus and MiGs--pragmatic way)

    Going out from the prices for the Sardine Run ( Complete boat 20000€; bare hulls, beams and Mast 14500€ ; kit hulls, beams and mast 7000€; Kit hulls only 5000€) i hope and expect a complete Sardine 19 will come in for 30000€ . A bargain for a racy 19' overnighter of 300kg !
    We gonna see.

    At last an extract from the HP with " short" translation:

    "-Disposer d'un trimaran repliable et pouvant se loger dans un garage de 6m x 2m50.*----variable beam for stowing into a garage

    -Le mat doit être démontable en deux parties.-----two parted mast

    -La manutention doit être réalisable seul en un temps réduit.----demountable for one person in a short time

    -Le programme de navigation est axé sur la sortie à la journée.-----mainly designed for daysailing

    -Le bateau doit offrir de bonnes sensations sans être extrême et avoir de belles lignes" ---shall be fast without being extreme , shall be good looking

    La mise à l'eau est prévue pour l'automne.---------shall be brought into the water without any help ( crane)

    Caractéristiques techniques :

    Longueur hors tout: 6m – 6m50 avec bout dehors (démontable). ---- total lengthl w. transom hang rudder ; lenghth w. demountable bowsprit
    Longueur coque : 5,80 m ---- length of hull
    Longueur flottaison : 5,80 m-----lwl
    Bau maxi déplié : 4,25 m ---max. beam
    Largeur replié 2,40 m-----retracted beam
    Tirant d'eau : 30cm / 98cm -----drafts
    Déplacement lège: 300kg--------weight of empty boat
    Déplacement *max en charge : 650 kg-------max deplacement
    Safran relevable sur coque centrale-------daggerboard in mainhull
    Dérive relevable sur coque centrale-----transom hung daggerrudder
    Hauteur sous barrot: 1m18--------headroom
    Bau max coque centrale : 90 cm-------beam mainhull
    Cockpit : 1m82 x 84cm x 30cm-------cockpitsize
    Surface de voilure grand voile + génois = 23m² --------max. SA upwind
    Grand voile: 17m²-------main
    Foc : 6 m2-----jib
    Gennaker : 16.1 m2-----genni
    Motorisation :Hors-bord 2,5ch à 4ch-------Outboard 2.5 -4HP

    Construction contre plaqué basalte-epoxy-----Ply-epoxy;.basalt fibers
    Repliable-----variable beam
    Transportable-------i guess u can translate it yourself
    1 couchage possible dans la cabine------one berth possible


    No foils for horizontal lifting ;)
  6. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Andy's Tri

    A work of art-trying to get more detail:

  7. rcnesneg
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    rcnesneg Senior Member

    Wow! Where did you find it? Source please! Apparently not designed to fly the main hull - center rudder only? Plenty of ama buoyancy though!! Looks fast!
  8. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready


    Found it on MA. Asked the guy there for details and told him about this thread-so far nothing. He said it was too heavy.....
  9. oldsailor7
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    oldsailor7 Senior Member

    May be it's too heavy in wood, but it could be super in foam sandwhich. :cool:
  10. rcnesneg
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    rcnesneg Senior Member

    How about Nomex Honeycomb and Carbon? $$$ I know... but...

    It looks really good in wood! I would sail it!
  11. redreuben
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    redreuben redreuben

    Very sharp ! Image search found nothing, what is MA ?
  12. Doug Halsey
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  13. tour
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    tour Junior Member

    just out of interest. What type of speed is seen as fast for a 20 ft tri?
    Do most people expect a dry small tri? And what sort of conditions do most daysail and camp/weekend in?
    The reason for asking is.. We had built a small tri for our conditions and our needs and its a lot of fun and handles some decent wind and chop. Am now thinking of maybe building and selling them but do not understand the American and European conditions/market and need to see if it will even be viable to produce these boats.
    Any input will be appreciated.
  14. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Welcome to the forum! Can you post any pictures of your boat-would be great to take a look at it? How would it compare to a Pulse 600? Is it designed to fly the main hull? Does it use lifting foils? Is the rig reefable? Carbon or aluminum mast?
    Details like this would be good to know-in fact speed may not be the most important factor. The market seems to be starting to have a few 19-20 foot trimarans but so far as I can tell none of the production boats I've seen in this range are "high performance"-most appear to be nicely done daysailer/ weekenders.
    Good Luck....

  15. rcnesneg
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    rcnesneg Senior Member

    20 foot tri? Fast is 15 mph averages with peak speeds over 20. Sadly most small trimarans can't manage this.
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