Small tri anyone hazard a guess around 26ft

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by onekiwi, Apr 18, 2017.

  1. onekiwi
    Joined: Feb 2015
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    onekiwi Junior Member

    Small project tri I am looking a, unknown designer. Could be beachcat almas.
  2. upchurchmr
    Joined: Feb 2011
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    upchurchmr Senior Member

    More pictures.
    Back away so we can see the shape of the hull and the ama's.

    The lower curve of the side of the cabin is very distinctive, but I cann't remember the designer, yet.
  3. Larry Forgy
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    Larry Forgy Junior Member

    That curve, and the foredeck, are the shape of a Jim Brown Searunner 25 like I used to own, but the rest of the boat, not so much.
  4. onekiwi
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    onekiwi Junior Member

    I t[​IMG]hink it may be too far gone?
  5. upchurchmr
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    upchurchmr Senior Member

    I hope you get a surveyor to check out the boat, for issues besides the broken deck.
    Lots of water could have gotten in there.
    If that started as a Brown Searunner 25, there are a few changes. Good/ Bad?? Who knows.
    The amas are not stock design, nor is the aka connection (the "bury" of the aka looks short).
    I can't imagine why the rudder has a leading edge cut out so low, unless that rudder was taken from another boat. The tiller connection is strangely high, but might not matter.
    Has the mast been broken or cut off in the last picture?
    The picture of the transom shows a rounded hull. If so that is not original from the Searunner design - not necessarily bad if built well.

    Spend money to see what the real condition is before trying to save this boat.

    Good luck
  6. onekiwi
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    onekiwi Junior Member

    I think I am going to forget about the tri,(even at 100 bucks),I figure it may have had standing water in it for quite a while.I guess the trailer is worth the asking price but then you have a boat to get rid of! It is 4 hours away from me and I do not think I need another project with summer coming up,damn I am starting to sound like a glass half empty person lol and I have 6 beachcats to sail!
    Anyone think it may have have started life as a Crowther Buc?

  7. rberrey
    Joined: Oct 2010
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    rberrey Senior Member

    If you go to the marketplace forum and scroll down , you will find a 26' Newick tri free that may be a better project to take on .
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