Small Sailboat - Help needed to identify ...

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by s/v JESTER, Feb 13, 2019.

  1. s/v JESTER
    Joined: Jun 2008
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    s/v JESTER Junior Member

    Anyone know the make and model of this small sailboat?
    No HIN nor manufacturer's plate available and no sail logo/insignia.
    Registered as 'homemade' vessel from early 1970s(?), not sure country of origin.

    LOA ~ about 17 feet, Beam ~ about 5.5 feet, Draft ~ about 1.5 feet.




  2. s/v JESTER
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    s/v JESTER Junior Member

    Appears to be a Sussex Cob. Thanks to Lisa on FB and Peter on YBW ... The spec. for a Sussex Cob - Pearson Bros. Suppliers: Meeching Boats, UK & Pearson Bros. UK. LOA 16'6 Beam 5'8 Cenreboard grp boat. Pine masts and boom. Built-in buoyancy. Variations - Outboard well and two rowing positions incorporated. Detachable cuddy can be fitted. Sails Tan coloured. Area 10.2msq/110 sq ft. Gunter or ketch. £500 in 1974. Designed for operation from beaches with a counter stern so that the boat will not swamp when beaching. Versatile and seaworthy. A goo fishing vessel. - (Fron Sailing Boats of the World a guide to classes 1974) and The Boat World Book of Dinghies 1974 lists Pearsons as making the Bobbin, Bonito, Sailaway and Sussex Cob. The Sussex Cob is listed as 16'6" long, is ketch rigged and has a lute stern, with a Gunter main and a Bermudan mizzen, so that's almost certainly your boat.
    Pearson did build other boats too, they built quite a lot of Finns in the 60s and so probably other dinghies too.
  3. s/v JESTER
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    s/v JESTER Junior Member

    Thanks to a great reply to my YBW forum thread, I have the following additional information and have gathered more resources. A copy of an original Pearson Brothers Ltd. advertisement brochure catalogue for 1974 has been found along with an 'options' price list. There was a very basic Price list / Order form attached to the single page Sussex Cob 1974 catalogue.
    The cost of the basic Sailing Boat then was GBP 725 ex VAT.
    The basic Fisher version was GBP 475.
    The sailing rig costing an extra GBP 250.
    The detachable GRP cuddy for the Fisher version (shown in the drawing in the catalogue) was an extra GBP 95.
    An overall PVC boat cover was GBP 33.
    You could even get a Mini Elsan toilet for 15 quid.
    A trailer with a winch and lights was an extra GBP 103.
    A pair of oars was an optional extra, at GBP 9.

  4. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

  5. s/v JESTER
    Joined: Jun 2008
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    s/v JESTER Junior Member

    Yes Angelique, I ran across that listing's image searching Google. Thanks for posting the image here. I wish there was a way to contact the seller of that boat to hear a little of her history. I may send an inquiry to Gumtree explaining my interest and see what reply I receive. I wonder how many Pearson Bros. Ltd. Sussex Cob boats were produced! Would love to make contact with an employee of the company during the time these were manufactured. One was sold on eBay (UK) back in July of, 2015 item #231626063045. The description is still listed - no images though. I sent a 'Contact Seller' message for any information they may offer. To date I have had no reply. I'll post here again the link to the Gumtree listing that you shared. Thanks for your reply.
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