Small Outboard Fuel Pump ?

Discussion in 'Outboards' started by willy13, Apr 26, 2023.

  1. willy13
    Joined: Jan 2022
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    willy13 Senior Member

    Do these small outboards have fuel pumps strong enough to pull 3 ft. of head? Specifically in my case the Mercury Pro Kicker EFI 9.9/15.

  2. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    When the outboard is in use, the pump will be about 1 ft above the waterline. How deep is the tank below the waterline?
  3. willy13
    Joined: Jan 2022
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    willy13 Senior Member

    The pump is about 21 inches above the water line. One of the possible locations for enclosing a below deck gas tank will put the pickup tube pretty close to 3 ft of head, but probably more like 32 inches. I rounded up to be safe. I don't want issues as the tank gets closer to empty.

  4. powerabout
    Joined: Nov 2007
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    powerabout Senior Member

    Sure it will pump, think of a 25" engine pumping from a vee hulls tank in the floor.
    willy13 likes this.
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