Small electric paddle wheel for a open motor canoe. Some advise needed please.

Discussion in 'Propulsion' started by Boucaneer, Mar 15, 2015.

  1. Boucaneer
    Joined: Sep 2014
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    Boucaneer Junior Member

    Hello, I hope you guys may be able to advise and guide me.
    I'm building an open motor canoe, image posted below.

    It's a 15' long open canoe that can be extended to 32' and it has a 4' beam. So I'm planning on building a small electric stern paddle wheel with a 4' beam/bucket wide floats.

    And the lily pad weeds are so abundant here they wrap round the props of an electric outboard and burn out the motor, so I am trying to research the build of an electric paddle wheel to attach to the transom of the motor canoe.

    I plan to power the battery by Mono Crystaline solar panel and a lead acid leisure battery.

    I have been searching for paddle wheel advice online but am finding it hard to find information about the basic build and information on building paddle wheel drives.

    Would anybody be able to advise any good reading from books or online?
    Any links to good basic information to a newcomer to paddle wheels would be great.

    All I know is I would like it to be a brushless motor and possibly D.C, as for watts and voltage I am unsure, and I am undecided to have it direct drive or chain fed.

    So I thought this being the best website for researching boat design and advise with projects I would start this thread to help me with my design and build.

    I was told that the buckets of a paddle wheel should immerse in the water 1/3 of the wheel size and the art of building on is the have the chains straight to help with efficiency.

    But to discuss the project here would be a great help.

    So if anyone can guide me it would be much appriciated, as it's such a new subject for me. I've driven boats for years, but never a paddle wheel.

    I'm even still unsure of even what materials to build it from. I was thinking plywood and wood, but if anyone has any recommendations.

    Talking with people who know more about paddle wheels than me would be a great help.

    Kind regards, Alex.
  2. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    For some reason, I visualized someone getting their hand caught in these paddlewheels, it might ruin the whole day if it happened, so make sure they are well shielded.
  3. Boucaneer
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    Boucaneer Junior Member

    I certainly will. I think I will use some small diameter wire mesh shielding. To not to cause to much windage.

    Just trying to find the right type and size of motor to use, then look at the gear or propulsion method and design.

    A hand getting caught whilst going astern could be a awkward accident. :)
  4. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    You could use the same trolling motor. Change the propeller for a pulley and run a belt.

  5. Boucaneer
    Joined: Sep 2014
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    Boucaneer Junior Member

    Really, that sounds interesting Gonzo. Is there any helpful plans available?

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