Slickcraft 235 Wanted!!!!

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by itselliott, Nov 11, 2012.

  1. itselliott
    Joined: Mar 2006
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    Location: Holland, MI.....home of S-2 Yachts

    itselliott Junior Member

    I am looking for a 235 Slickcraft..............'73-79? not sure of the final build.

    White( No colored Gelcoat) with a MERC outdrive (NO OMC's)

    Any power......don't care also dont care if it has a trailer.......I have one.

    please send info/fotos
  2. IMP-ish
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    IMP-ish powerboater

  3. itselliott
    Joined: Mar 2006
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    Location: Holland, MI.....home of S-2 Yachts

    itselliott Junior Member

    Found one.

    Just picked up a 1975 with a 188 Merc....(Ford 302)

    I will post up fotos in a Build thread here. Currently, I have gutted the entire interior in order to find the hidden "bad" that I may have been unaware of.

    I have also sold off the trailer that brought her home from Northern Michigan and retrofitted a 1995 Eagle bunk trailer I had purchased last year, from the original 21' Thompson configuration to fit the 235's hull and added length.

    I cut, then rewelded the bunks in the new location, extended the tongue, sanded the frame and fenders then repainted the whole trailer. I still need to re do the surge brake wheel cylinders (Master is in location already)
  4. itselliott
    Joined: Mar 2006
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    Location: Holland, MI.....home of S-2 Yachts

    itselliott Junior Member

    here she is the 75 SS235 just stripped down for clean up

    Now for sale, I just found a '72 with a teak interior..........OH what beauty!

    Attached Files:

  5. Valeriegaydos
    Joined: Aug 2018
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    Valeriegaydos New Member

    I have a 1977 Slickcraft cuddy
    With a 350 mercruiser engine that I need to unload. ( Not sure of the model but it's one of the larger ones) I'm not using it after my husband passed away. Motor works great. We started to redo the electrical but never finished. Free to a good home. Lots of teak. Contact 412.528.1360 or and I'll send photos. Located in Essex, MD. It is currently on the hard but easily launched from near ( a few hundred feet) of this location on Middle River
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