Skoota Power Catamaran - New Build

Discussion in 'Wooden Boat Building and Restoration' started by Martin Ellison, Mar 13, 2017.

  1. Martin Ellison
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    Martin Ellison New Member

    I have been building my new boat for nearly two years and keeping a record of my progress.

    It is a Richard Woods design and made of plywood.

    If people are interested you can follow the project at:

    Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated.

  2. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    G'day Martin, big project, what will be powering it ?
  3. Martin Ellison
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    Martin Ellison New Member


    Yes it is a big job. Currently about 2400 hours of work

    It will be powered by twin outboards, one mounted on the transom of each hull. Current choice is Honda BFP60.
  4. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Choosing the engines needs to be done carefully. I would opt for 25" XL shaft, and a gear reduction of at least 2.33 to one, swinging the bigger diameter props that allows. The selection is a little restricted though. Are you keeping a tally of the boat materials costs, and what do you expect that will add up to when finished ?
  5. Martin Ellison
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    Martin Ellison New Member

    The transoms have been designed for XL shafts. This is a cruising boat where I am interested in fuel economy and reliability rather than top speed. Would you like to expand on your comment about gear reduction and prop size.

    I am keeping a detailed breakdown of hours and costs. I expect the finished boat to be about 3500-4000 hours. On costs it is more difficult as this depends on the final specs of the fit out where the admiral of the fleet has much more input (which requires her to make many decisions). To date the nearly complete shell has cost £24000 (GBP) in materials.
  6. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Bigger gearcase and greater reduction suits modest cruise speeds better, imo.
  7. Jim Caldwell
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    Jim Caldwell Senior Member

    Mr. woods used two 20 HP!
  8. Martin Ellison
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    Martin Ellison New Member

    Yes indeed. That's in his Skoota 28. This boat is based on his Skoota 36 design which calls for twin 50's. I have modified the design to 40 ft so have provisionally opted for twin 60's.

  9. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Honda 60 is available with two different gearboxes, the 2.33 to 1 is where I'd be heading.
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