Skip Johnson 42 tri performance?

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Skeezix, Mar 31, 2018.

  1. Skeezix
    Joined: Feb 2016
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    Skeezix Junior Member

    Intrigued by this tri:

    Custom Bluewater Cruiser Trimaran For Sale, 13.08m (42'11"), 1997

    Searched here and the web and I found little about how it sails. I read the short thread here about keels on a Skip Johnson Seawings 36. I saw references of how current owner of this 42 sailed the boat west from Mexico to Grenada, but no details.

    Seems like a promising fast cruiser, nice setup single or couple to sail, and good condition for the money. Survey of a 20 year old wood boat essential, of course. Anyone know the boat? Or predict sailing characteristics? Curious about effects of the bow thruster, keel, saildrive. Stowage of those two craft in the amas is nice ... but what chance of slamming? All opinions welcome.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2018
  2. Howaya
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    Howaya Junior Member

    I cannot comment on Skip Johnson's 42 tri, but I've sailed the 36 Seawings many times and remain totally impressed by it. The owner, a machinist by trade, had the hulls professionally built using Airex foam core and epoxy and then finished it himself to a very high standard. As trimarans go, this boat is rather commodious belowdecks and yet has an impressive turn of speed with good manners. The 42 may be similar. Yet, as it so happens, the 36 is now for sale at a fraction of the price for the 42, and it is located in Maryland. I am happy to put you in touch with the owner if we can communicate off the forum. Even if you aren't interested in the 36, chances are its owner knows a fair bit about the 42 and will be able to answer your questions.
  3. Skeezix
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    Skeezix Junior Member

    Thanks! Not actively shopping now, so no personal contact needed. But perhaps point owner to this thread for comment that will appear for Seawings and Johnson searches?
  4. Skeezix
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    Skeezix Junior Member

    Wow, I think I found it. Owner initials B.H.? A beautiful tri indeed, well-appointed, and the price is seriously tempting. When I am ready to buy at retirement in a couple years, I probably will be kicking myself for missing this one.
  5. SailAwaySailAway
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    SailAwaySailAway New Member

    Hi Howaya,
    Do you have the contact info on that Skip Johnson 36? What a sweet boat, with the kick-up board and rudder... foam core hulls... etc.
  6. Skeezix
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    Skeezix Junior Member

  7. SailAwaySailAway
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    SailAwaySailAway New Member

    Thanks Skeezix,
    That's the pdf I have though. I sent a couple emails, still waiting on a response. Hoping Howaya has a telephone number.
    P. S. That 42 looks to be well thought out.
  8. SailAwaySailAway
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  9. Howaya
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    Howaya Junior Member

  10. Howaya
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    Howaya Junior Member

    I just got word from the original owner/builder: the 36 is sold pending mechanical inspection.
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