Sketchup - anybody?

Discussion in 'Software' started by SeriolaDumerili, Feb 5, 2018.

  1. SeriolaDumerili
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    SeriolaDumerili Junior Member

    I am trying to create a solid model of my new bowsprit. I made a 2D model and then "raised" to 3D. The problem is that I cannot "fill" the drawing that I can send to a cnc machine. obviously, I am making a mistake that I cannot understand. I need just the upper and side surfaces.
    thank's for help
    bastun032.jpg bastun031.jpg

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  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    This is what I have obtained from your model. I do not know if this is exactly what you needed.

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  3. SeriolaDumerili
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    SeriolaDumerili Junior Member

    That was fast! I think this is what the CNC need. I'll let you know!
    Thank you!
  4. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    It would be convenient that you previously made a cardboard model to check that the pieces fit correctly.
  5. SeriolaDumerili
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    SeriolaDumerili Junior Member

    Hi Tansl,
    sorry for bothering you again. I don't have Acad, I am just exporting from Sketchup. The surfaces in sketchup looks connected. The CNC owner told me that in Acad the properties of sprit that you sent is Polyface mesh, not a solid part.
  6. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Now they are solids.
    Do not worry about asking for anything else, if you need it.

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  7. baeckmo
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    baeckmo Hydrodynamics

    Hi TANSL, when I open your dwg file (I use KeyCreator, it is a true 3d cad), it opens as a surface model without the bottom. The various parts are displayed separately, but it is not a solid. Maybe the different dwg versions are not fully compatible with the Sketchup (or KeyCreator)?

    When looking closer, there are edges that are not closed (the port side, vertical line between long and "vee" side). This will often prevent the creation of a full solid. So, it might be that it would work in Sketchup if the edges were closed.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2018
  8. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    @baeckmo, the file in post # 6 is original dwg of AutoCAD. The 3D model on the right is composed of polimesh faces, which the OP created in its .dwg file of post # 1. The pieces on the left in my file are solid objects of AutoCAD. Probably when importing my .dwg file into Sketchup, some errors will occur.
  9. SeriolaDumerili
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    SeriolaDumerili Junior Member

    interesting, in Sketchup, when I zoom in, all surfaces are connected. Maybe there is a problem with export Sketchup -> .dwg
    Finally, with converting to .stl I have something that cnc accept for milling.
    This is one off part, the trial version of sketchup lasted enough that I have finished the "project"
    Thank you all
  10. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Maybe this igs file is more suitable for Sketchup and for the cnc machine.

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  11. SeriolaDumerili
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    SeriolaDumerili Junior Member

    FYI .igs looks like this:
  12. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Let's see if with these formats there is more luck.

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  13. Nick.K
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