SK 2--18' Canting Keel

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Doug Lord, Mar 4, 2012.

  1. Doug Lord
    Joined: May 2009
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    This is a very interesting small boat:
    Note- the canting keel on this boat is retractable!
    -Special bonus feature(!) : pictures from London dinghy show 2012:

    Hull 5.62m / 18.4'
    LOA 7.59m / 24.89'
    Beam 1.56m / 5.1'
    Sailing weight 380kg / 836lb.
    Dry weight 190kg / 418lb.
    Ballast 80kg 176 lb.
    SA upwind 19.62sq.m / 211sq.ft.
    SA downwind 53.62 / 576.9 sq.ft.

    click on image- Note: picture of retracted canting keel(last one below) by "presuming Ed" on DA. May be his or from Y&Y.

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  2. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    SK2 with retractable canting keel-another view:

    pix by "presuming ed"-linked on DA -Dinghy Show in London

    click on image-

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  3. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready


    From the SK2 website-cool animation:


    Note that the trunk does not need to be sealed in the conventional way-see the animation and picture in previous post.
  4. awhapshott
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    awhapshott Junior Member

    I had a sail in this last weekend, its a very nice boat. The keel swings very nicely and is easily manageable. Had a good broach with the kite up but just dumped the sheet and she bore off. Really light for a keelboat on the shore as well.
  5. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready


    Thanks for the info! Does the keel have to be locked to be retracted-could it be sailed partially retracted?
  6. awhapshott
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    awhapshott Junior Member

    The keel is fixed down, and weighing 90kg (Prototype, believe the production boat will have a lighter bulb and longer rudder), it needs a halyard to raise it (Originally an A-frame, but this was a lot of faff), not sure if this could be done on the water so easily.. The geometry of the pulley's would not work either.
    The centreboard slides up and down nicely though :)
  7. Paul B

    Paul B Previous Member

    How many have been sold?

    Where are the initial fleets being formed?
  8. sean9c
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    sean9c Senior Member

    Not like there isn't enough boathandling stuff to take care of on a small performance boat like that, now you have to tack the keel.
  9. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Considering that canting keel Open 60's are sailed and raced singlehanded it is obvious that those who want the advantages of the technology find a way.
  10. sean9c
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    sean9c Senior Member

    That's a lousy analogy. An Ocean 60 and an SK2 are about as dissimilar as you can get. The " advantage of technology" is only an advantage if it works. Yet to be seen if a canting keel on a 18' boat is an advantage. Doesn't seem to be an advantage on a sportboat.
  11. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready


    It already works. It's already an advantage since the canting keel replaces the third crewperson that would be required on a similarly powered-up 18 footer. It's design is innovative thinking that brings an exciting 18 footer to the sailing public using proven performance technology allowing just two people to sail a boat that would definitely require a third person if the keel didn't cant.
    You say it "doesn't seem to work on a sportboat"-what sportboat? Nevermind, it's used on proto Mini 6.5's and many, many other boats. It's proven technology-if it "doesn't work" on a particular boat that is hardly an indictment of canting keels-it may be an indictment of that particular design.
    This design of the SK-2 works for its purpose of a high performance doublehanded one design.........

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  12. sean9c
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    sean9c Senior Member

    You're correct there. If you convince a bunch of people to buy them and race OD then it's a success.
  13. Paul B

    Paul B Previous Member

    Simply using racks (like your beloved Quant 28 and Brace^3) would do the same thing, without the excess cost and complexity.
  14. Paul B

    Paul B Previous Member

    At more than US$40,000.00 each I don't think there is going to be a huge market for these.

  15. susho
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    susho Composite builder

    been there, done that. Linq CQ6 , 5.8 mtr canter, but more powerfull in hullshape, keelweight and SA.
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