Simscale - Free Online CFD tool

Discussion in 'Software' started by quequen, Jul 20, 2015.

  1. quequen
    Joined: Jul 2009
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    quequen Senior Member

    From Germany, an interesting free CFD online service for academic users. It is an online implementation of OpenFOAM and many others open-source codes.
    The interface seems pretty simple, includes a meshing utility and a postprocesing visualization tool. Deals with general CFD (NS equations) including multiphase flows, so perhaps many typical free surface effects can be simulated.
    "No deployment, no hardware, no software. Just your browser and an internet connection are enough to run a numerical analysis on the SimScale platform".

    - Free access to SimScale for academic users (students, teachers, researchers)
    - 1000 core hours computing time per month included, additional core hours available upon request
    - 12 months duration, easy to extend
    - Accessible from anywhere via a web browser

  2. arn0
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    arn0 Junior Member

    Simscale CFD tool: for boat ?

    thank you very much,

    i am totaly new in CFD, this is the first software I try, and I could easily perform the tutorial for hydrodynamic in my browser on my mac, straighforward: loading the model, automatic meshing, calculation, report.

    It is very easy and good looking.

    However i could not find boats in their examples: aerodynamic examples are provided, and hydrodynamic with a submarine.... but no air/water interface, no waves.

    And i could not find a quantitative report (total drag in N)... but i guess this is somewhere, i only spent 2 hours.

    If someone with more experience could ellaborate that would be great!

    the pay as you use and no installation concept seems very attractive.

  3. quequen
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    quequen Senior Member

  4. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    Actually, it says that only linear static structural analysis is available for free.

    Only professional (170 €/month) or enterprise (850 €/month) users can access other analysis tools, like CFD.
  5. quequen
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    quequen Senior Member

    Daiquiri, as said, the full free account is for academic users (students, teachers, researchers), is a full account with 50GB of storage and 1000 core hours/month, includes full CFD capabilities and it last for 12 months, renewable. Just use the link I posted ;)

  6. quequen
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    quequen Senior Member

    Nice progress from sjoshi, a good Kelvin wake:

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  7. andreea.z
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    andreea.z New Member

    Hello, I'm not sure if you have followed SimScale in the meantime, but you should know that the company changed the pricing plan and now all the simulation features are free to use for everybody.

    This is under the condition that you agree for your project to be public, so that other users can learn from it.
  8. arn0
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    arn0 Junior Member

    Excellent !
    I just read the simscale forum and it looks very promising.
    It seems to me that if Simscale succeeds to make it as user friendly as their other simulations, it is a game changer for the independent boat builders :)

  9. quequen
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    quequen Senior Member

    Some tips on Multi-Phase Flows from Simscale documentation


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