Simply support and fixed end support

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by saeedfa, Jul 16, 2020.

  1. saeedfa
    Joined: Aug 2013
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    saeedfa Junior Member

    in the calculation of section modulus of stiffener and in calculation of effective flange of girder there are two parameter that effect on calculation, simply support and fixed end support. according to DNVGL-RU-HSLC-Pt3-Ch3-Sec6, below figure show it.
    my question is, when a girder have simply or fixed end support?

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  2. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    Simply supported means that the end of the girder (or stiffener) does not support moment. Fixed end is where the end of the girder (or stiffener) does support a moment.
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  3. saeedfa
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    saeedfa Junior Member

    thank for your reply
    but in a real calculation of girder or support, when i can consider the support as simply or fixed end?
    for example when use bracket at ends of girder, that is fixed end ?
    when a longitudinal stiffener pass throw a cut out in transverse frames web, in this situation the two ends of longitudinal stiffener have fixed end or simply support? if use a collar (lug) plate what is the kind of support now ?

    thank you
  4. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    When the end of the element in question can rotate in relation to the element that holds it, it is not capable of absorbing moments and, therefore, that end is considered supported.
    When the end of the element in question can NOT rotate in relation to the element that holds it, it IS capable of absorbing moments and, therefore, that end is considered as fixed. A console at its end, the end welded directly to the perpendicular reinforcement, are the typical ways to embed one end.

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  5. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    If the bracket does not allow the ends to rotate, it is a fixed support.
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  6. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Not needed any bracket. You have to have clear concepts and not talk about hearsay.
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