Shorten mainsail track?

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by andysailor, Jan 10, 2018.

  1. andysailor
    Joined: May 2017
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    andysailor Junior Member

    Sorry, I mean the traveler...

    I'm right now renovating and refitting a 46ft performance cruising trimaran. The mainsail traveler is a huge curved one extending far out on each aka. So I guess the track for the traveler is 6 meter wide. I'm sure this is a good way for the really good racer, but we won't be racing. Of course we want it to sail great but there might be a compromise to shorten it. It would be a better setup for cruising I imagine.

    How much would you say it would change the performance by going shorter? Either shorten it, or maybe buy a new sleeker one. The new one would be about 1.6 meter
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2018
  2. rwatson
    Joined: Aug 2007
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    rwatson Senior Member

    Why bother shortening it. Just screw a few stops on it, and then you can try it out before major surgery.

    Performance losses will depend on the quality of the sails. Being able to pull the boom down on the extreme outer ends, on a broad reach ( is more effective than a vang) can increase the performance dramatically if your sails are well shaped and set properly.
  3. andysailor
    Joined: May 2017
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    andysailor Junior Member

    Boat is on land at the moment, getting a full renovation and refit. Boat will also be painted, so if I could decide which way to go before paint job start, would be awesome.
    I'm having hydra net, in very good condition.

    Like I said. I'm not a racer but the more speed I can get out of her the happier I would be :)
  4. rwatson
    Joined: Aug 2007
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    rwatson Senior Member

    ... then keep the track long

  5. hump101
    Joined: Oct 2004
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    hump101 Senior Member

    Definitely keep the track long. It will allow you to flatten the sail if you are caught out with a bit too much mainsail up, which is much safer whether cruising or racing, and will save you breaking battens against standing rigging.
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