Shop to build my boats

Discussion in 'Services & Employment' started by David Clark, Feb 17, 2012.

  1. David Clark
    Joined: Jan 2011
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    Location: wickford RI

    David Clark Junior Member

    Hello, I have made 65 Duck Hunting boats in the past 10 years and am looking for a shop to build deck molds for my hull molds and to build the boats for me to market. I am a marine canvas and sail maker and have turned down 6 or more request for new boat in the past year. I am willing to do more advertising and marketing if I could find the right shop to work with me.
    To see the molds and or boats go to or and call me on my cell for me to email mold pics at 401-871-4739 and
    David Clark
    1 person likes this.
  2. The Loftsman
    Joined: Jun 2010
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    The Loftsman The Loftsman

    Hello David,
    I will email you with regard this project.
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