Shocked at new boat quality standards

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by LEADGlobal, Apr 26, 2017.

  1. LEADGlobal
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    LEADGlobal Junior Member

    So I am at the Shanghai boat show and happened to climb in a Bavaria, Beneteau, and a few others and quite frankly I thought I was in a low end RV trailer show. All I saw was cheap plastic and fake wood everywhere.
    On one Bavaria, I pulled out a drawer to have it fall of onto the floor and expose what resembled a cheap drawer slider similar to what I can find at a Walmart special pressboard desk.

    The apholstry was just a bunch of foam wrapped with cheap vinyl that didn't even fit.

    In summery, I could have shopped at my local do it myself hardware store and made a much better interior with stuff that is not even marine grade material.

    To top it all off, the boat I was in had a $700,000 ++ price tag.

    Is this what the yachting industry has come too? I'm sorry but what I experienced was traumatizing.

    If I had a quality gauge from 1-10 I would say the boats I looked at were a 1.

  2. TANSL
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  3. TANSL
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    They are very hard comments, perhaps they should be qualified, so as not to hurt more than due.
  4. Squidly-Diddly
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    I'd have thought they might be heavy on the plastic, but it would be decent plastic, like Kydex.

    I recently did a bunch of doors in over priced condos and it was absolute garbage. I was told the deal was they just had to slap SOMETHING in the units and it was a given that everyone was gonna remodel with real stuff shortly. That is gonna be fun with a 6 story building and two tiny elevators, and one parking spot per 3 bd unit. :rolleyes:

    Maybe that was the concept with the cheap boat interiors?

    Sorta like how they bring in special 'staging' furniture to sell houses and condos. Yeah, they actually manufacture SPECIAL furniture that is never meant to be used, just moved from RE sale to RE sale.
  5. Angélique
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    Any pictures of this ?​
  6. jorgepease
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    jorgepease Senior Member

    That's the same impression I got at the Miami Boat show, it's not just China.
  7. LEADGlobal
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    LEADGlobal Junior Member


    Here is a overall pic of the show, there is more pictures on my profile I just loaded.

    I didn't take any interior pics because I took a wealthy Chinese friend of mine to help promote the yachting industry in China, but unfortunately could not show him anything impressive.

    To bad Passport Yachts were not there. They are better quality than anything I saw there and their factory is only about 500 miles away from the show in Ximen China.

  8. Squidly-Diddly
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    I know we are supposed to avoid "politics" here, but I gotta ask......

    being as they are still at least officially Communist, any hint of how they square such a ostentatious display of conspicuous consumption and rich man's toys when there are still so many poor people?

    Just curious. Do they play it like "a rising tide lifts all boats" or do they avoid it completely?
  9. daiquiri
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    You can call China anything you want, but don't call them communist.
    The only communist thing that is left is their Communist Party. For the rest they are a state-regulated capitalism with a long-term global schedule of goals, and quite a fierce competitive spirit.
  10. Mr Efficiency
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    Trickle-down communism possibly.
  11. LEADGlobal
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    LEADGlobal Junior Member

    Been doing business here for 8 years and that has been my experience :)

    Later this year we will be setting up Yacht design and manufacturing here and working on some great designs, so hopefully by next year we will have something to show the world

  12. LEADGlobal
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    LEADGlobal Junior Member

    If you come visit China and didn't know anything about the government, you would not know they are communist. the cities are growing very rapidly. Everywhere you look, there is new construction going on and factories are busy.

    Right now the consensus about the yachting industry is very positive and growing rapidly.

    The poor is like anywhere else in the world, but not much in the city. There are no slums and very few begging on the streets.
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