ship model testing

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by shrijeet mishra, May 6, 2021.

  1. shrijeet mishra
    Joined: Feb 2020
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    shrijeet mishra Junior Member

    hi everyone
    I am doing research over the model testing facilities in india. i have few doubts regarding it

    1.Use of wake test with help of wake rake i.e if the result is not as desired what should we change and what is then our aim to alter to get desired outcome or result of our test.

    2.Difference between self propulsion test and open water test.

    3. Duct thrust propeller efficiency is used in which kinds of propeller tests.

    4. Propeller design is geometrically similar to actual propeller of ship?
    Since it is similar how can we attain that high speed or rpm which must satisfy Froude's number as compared to the ship.

    5. How is depth Froude's number different from normal Froude's number.

    6. How significant is flow visualisation test. And if the output is not as desired what do we do next

    and if anyone has a listed model testing facilities in india please share with me.

    thank you for your support always :)
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  2. shrijeet mishra
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    shrijeet mishra Junior Member

    if anyone can please guide it will be of much help.
  3. DCockey
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    DCockey Participant

    Are you a student or a graduate in naval architecture or related field?
  4. shrijeet mishra
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    shrijeet mishra Junior Member

    sir im graduate in naval architecture.
  5. DCockey
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    DCockey Participant

    In that case I am very surprised that you do not knowthe answer to most of the these questions or know of text books, reference books or other places to find the answers other than asking on a forum.

    How is Froude number usually calculated? What kind of quantity is depth? How might depth be used to calculate Froude number?
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  6. shrijeet mishra
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    shrijeet mishra Junior Member

    Sir I got answers of few but am still stuck and not understood the 1,5,6 question.
    The Froude's number using depth where is that formula used I was unable to get that I just saw that formula in a model testing report wasn't able to connect to.
    And variations in model regarding flow and wake.. what all changes can be sought of.
    Sorry sir didn't have much time to do much research.
  7. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    Then why do you expect others to do your research for you?
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  8. shrijeet mishra
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    shrijeet mishra Junior Member

    Sorry sir didn't mean that way..
    I studied it later
    I thought if someone could help out it would be saving my time on research but not I did It looks bit nice to know things.

  9. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    You always have to exhaust the possibilities that you yourself have. If you don't have time, you should look for it anyway. What you learn by yourself will not be easily forgotten so, you have to try a lot more.
    Having said that, you do not need to apologize because in this forum we are used to seeing a lot of people asking questions and the answer, of course friendly, can be just to direct him to a specific web page. We also see a lot of people who, even having an idea of what the answer is like, ask the question to contrast opinions. So do not think that you have done anything to annoy or dislike this forum.
    Sometimes an unkind answer only indicates the impossibility of responding adequately (lack of time, lack of knowledge, ???), that also needs to be clarified.
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