Ship Builders/Supervisors Needed for 77m Steel Hull

Discussion in 'Services & Employment' started by MarkOHara, Oct 27, 2021.

  1. MarkOHara
    Joined: Oct 2021
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    Location: Bataan Philippines

    MarkOHara Junior Member

    I'm looking for Ship Builders/Supervisors in Asia (Philippines)
    Duties will include:
    Block planning, block assembly and block alignment for 77m x 13.20 steel hull and aluminium superstructure.
    Accommodation, Travel & Visas will be provided.
    Country of origin not important but good communication skills would be necessary.
    CV's and covering emails to
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2021
  2. bajansailor
    Joined: Oct 2007
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Will these folk be working on building the large motor yacht which was the subject of your previous thread?
    If so, has the design of it been finalised now?
  3. MarkOHara
    Joined: Oct 2021
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    MarkOHara Junior Member

    Yes and no. Yes, same boat but from what I am aware the structural design work is being done but I think some of the final detailing has to be sorted out.
  4. bajansailor
    Joined: Oct 2007
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Righty ho - when will they be starting construction (approximately)?

    Re building in blocks, will the vessel be built in a 'proper' shipyard with an overhead gantry crane (or two) for moving the blocks?

    How many ship builders / supervisors will you be taking on?
    I presume that they will also be responsible for project managing the complete outfitting of the blocks as well?
    Will each block be completely outfitted before installation, or will the blocks simply comprise the structure, and the outfitting will then be done after all the basic steel and aluminium work has been completed?
  5. MarkOHara
    Joined: Oct 2021
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    MarkOHara Junior Member

    Looking to start in March/April.
    Yes a proper shipyard with two overhead cranes.
    We have a Personnel Manager working on staff numbers at the moment but we'll be looking for as many as needed to fabricate hull and deck within 18 months.
    Yes all piping & ducting will be built in as much as possible before assembly.
    bajansailor likes this.

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    AJS63YACHTS Junior Member

    Hey Mark
    When you reach the point of fairing/painting feel free to contact me
    Adrian J Szugye
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