Ship/boat renders what matters?

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by kerosene, Mar 20, 2024.

  1. kerosene
    Joined: Jul 2006
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    kerosene Senior Member

    I have career in 3D animation and renders. I worked for a decade on top video game marketing trailers etc. Past years I have worked from home doing range of game design and promotional animation work.

    I just did a test render as a sample for a potential marine project - seen below. (edit: I did not do the 3D model, I purchased it from an asset store, sorry for not being clear about it)

    Is there still a need for such service? Or is the renders the CAD itself offers enough - and then the other side is handled by marketing companies, or how does it work.

    Contemplated in posting this under services but that forum is very dead and I genuinely would like to hear people's experiences in using outside help for marketing. What works? What could be improved on.


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    Last edited: Mar 21, 2024
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  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    That rendering is very impressive!
    If you had told me that it is a good quality photograph, I would have believed you.
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  3. messabout
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    messabout Senior Member

    I second the motion. The rendering is superb.
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  4. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    Yeah, I dont know that I would do business with a Liar.
    Dutch Yachting
    norsdtpSoe846J8g97ufl13g3yi8l3t739002a07a1 2h4l,7u1 8a301296 ·

    Serene is with its length of 133.9m/ 439'3" listed on the 14th position of the World’s largest yachts. Serene was the first yacht built by Finantieri Yachts in Italy after an exterior design and naval architecture by Espen Oeino with an interior by Reymond Langton Design. Serene arrived at Damen Shiprepair Vlissingen October last year to leave last April. Little is known about the work done, but one thing’s for sure: it was the largest yacht to visit Holland up to this time. captured this stunning photo of the 133.9m/ 439'3" Serene just after her arrival in Vlissingen October last year.
    See less
    — in Vlissingen, Netherlands.

  5. kerosene
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    kerosene Senior Member

    before I read your text I looked at the picture and thought bummer - their sea looks way better and they have nice details allover.

    Then I realized A) it's a photo and B) you think I am lying.

    I am not lying.
    I didn't mean to imply in any way that I had _designed_ the vessel. If that is how my original post came out I apologize. I bought the 3D model from an asset store.

    This test was about creating a reasonably convincing and appealing render with a vessel. All about creating the scene with the ship, lighting and how to create a water that looks decent. I am not in the market of designing vessels.

    And if you really think the picture I posted is a photo then I am flattered.

    Below is a screen shot of the scene file. And renders with some teapots for added flavor, altered lighting and camera angle and copied some rocks to too. No polish work and didn't let the renders finish so some artifacts and not quite as _nice_ looking.

    Let me know if that covers your accusations.


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  6. kerosene
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    kerosene Senior Member

    Using other people's work or otherwise lying - and now using AI tools - is a real challenge in my field so when someone calls me liar I take it seriously. So just to clarify - I did not model the Yacht in my original post, I do 3D modeling too but more in the sense of the needs of animation productions than CAD (which I do a little too).
    I have been doing 3D/computer graphics since the late 90s. My education is industrial design - but more in the sense of product design than processes etc.

    Here are some other samples of my work.
    1. Weapon for a video game trailer. 3D model and shading, lighting etc. by me. Studio Torq Oy is my business name. Heikki Anttila is my real name.
    2. A drone car from 2012 or so. That one is all me - a personal project so the design is also by me.
    3. Fox robots from 2011 (I think), it was one of the last projects where I worked as a computer graphics supervisor in California based Blur Studio before I moved to family farm in Finland - which I like more then Los Angeles. But about the FOX - I didn't design or model the robot - but I lead the team that did (with the director Dave Wilson and the client of course). I did do the materials for the robots to help the super skilled character artist Alex Litchenko, who is more used to flesh, skin etc. I think I lit and set up this particular shot but can't exactly recall. I did lead the lighting 3D modeling and post process team, however and lit half a dozen shot for the opening and did do polish and post work on most of the shots in the piece.
    4. Darth Vader. Yeah I didn't design that one either. I did re-do the shaders (materials), tweak some details on the face for better likeness, supervise 2 commercials for Force Unleashed II game - this screen is from those. I did build this shot however. Set up the lighting background, post production, snow on the shoulders etc.


    some more of my older work and resume up to 2020ish can be found at: Resume |

    Booster-1024x576.jpg TFU-TV_Snow-Vader-side1-1024x576.jpg
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  7. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    "when someone calls me liar I take it seriously. So just to clarify - I did not model the Yacht in my original post"

    Maybe English isn't your first language, so perhaps when you said

    "I just did a test render as a sample for a potential marine project - seen below."

    you really meant

    "I photoshopped someone else's original photograph, and claimed I had rendered it"

    Bearing in mind that

    Rendering uses computer-stored 3D data to produce a lifelike image, incorporating elements of photography and cinematography for lighting and setting.


    "potential marine project"
    means an already existing "the 133.9m/ 439'3" Serene just after her arrival in Vlissingen October last year.", the largest super yacht on Earth at that time.

    A totally easy mistake to make. Thanks for the clarification.

    Edit: oh, and I would be very keen to get a copy of " a 3D model that is commercially available from an asset store" of the "Sirene", if you could let us know where it is available. Thanks.
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  8. kerosene
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    kerosene Senior Member

    now I am starting get pissed off.

    The model is available here:
    3D model of Serene Yacht

    Screen capture of the email invoice attached.

    It seems that no matter of proof will convince you. Did you look at the renders above that were at different angle and different lighting and at flat water?

    also, I really didn't mean to suggest this is the potential marine project. Obviously. A client project would be under NDA etc. this was a test to show/test my ability to create quality renders from an existing model.

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    Last edited: Mar 22, 2024
  9. kerosene
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    kerosene Senior Member

    how about rwatson you sit down. Take a cup of tea and a slice of humble pie.

    (on the video when I say "photoshopping someone else's 3D model", I naturally mean "photoshopping someone else's photograph" as that was the accusation)

  10. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    I'm sorry I caused you to get irate.
    I politely asked for the source of the drawing you mentioned, and you promptly provided it.
    Thank you.
    It is indeed obvious that your first image was derived from the commercial drawing, and not from the photograph I found.
    You have my sincerest apology for my insinuations.

    I think we all have a clearer understanding of the process you used to create the original image now.
  11. kerosene
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    kerosene Senior Member

    my understanding of polite is different, but apology accepted.

  12. mc_rash
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    mc_rash Senior Member

    A little input from me:

    As far as I know AI is able to create realistic pictures but not as real-realistic as the renderings of OP. Pictures generated with AI will look realistic at the first glance but there will be noticable disstortion at a deeper look.

    Search on youtube for 'AI drawing hands' and you will find plenty of videos about this subject.

    In any case I trust OP that the renderings are not AI-generated. And yes - the renderings are impressive and for sure OP could work as visualizer for a yachtdesigner. For the renderings of OP I just can say the perspective etc. is badly choosen as it might look as a photoshopped copy of the arrival in Vlissingen.
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