1. The Marketplace Forums can be useful for members who know one another well from forum discussions and offline communications and wish to post boatbuilding tools, drafting tools, molds and tooling, and other professional equipment for sale or trade. However, caution and good judgement should always be used. Especially when considering any business with anyone not already well known to you and trusted, due diligence must be used to confirm details and identity and be sure the transaction is safe before any money or property changes hands. Always use good judgement and perform due dilligence and follow these guidelines.

Seven Molds For Sale

Discussion in 'Marketplace' started by Cliff Branum, May 11, 2018.

  1. Cliff Branum
    Joined: May 2018
    Posts: 0
    Likes: 0, Points: 0
    Location: Palacios Texas

    Cliff Branum New Member

    Existing boat company. Fast and shallow running. All molds (rolled gunnel) are ready for production, on steel frame and rotating. Mold sizes:
    17' Mold Beam 7'8" Flats Tunnel Hull (7" draft)
    20' Mold Beam 9' Padded V-hull - can be 70 mph boat (10" draft)
    22' Mold Beam 9' Padded V-hull - can be 70 mph boat (10" draft)
    23' Mold Beam 8'6" Flats Tunnel Hull (8.5" draft)
    24' Mold Beam 9'4" Padded V-hull - can be 60+ mph boat (10" draft)
    26' Mold Beam 9'4" Flats Tunnel hull - can be 45+ mph boat (8.5" draft)
    27' Mold Beam 9' CAT Triple Pod hull - can be 60+ mph boat (10.5" draft)
    Includes: Chopper gun, leaning post and console molds
    www.southshoreboats.net for pictures. $175,000
    Cliff 361-920-3378
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