senior 31 refit

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by senior31refit, Sep 7, 2004.

  1. senior31refit
    Joined: Sep 2004
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    senior31refit Junior Member

    I am undertaking the refit of a 1967 senior 31. Does anyone know of any plans available or experience of a similar refit project? Any help at all greatfully received!
  2. Dutch Peter
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    Dutch Peter Senior Member

    I'm very sorry, but I have now idea what a senior 31 is, sailboat/motorboat
    Refit, to what extend?
    What building material are we talking about?
    Who is the designer? Have you contacted him for plans? Is there a senior 31 society? Maybe they can help.
    Do you have any pics? To help me get the picture.

    See you!
  3. senior31refit
    Joined: Sep 2004
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    senior31refit Junior Member

    The Hull type/manufacturer is Senior Engineering (Southhampton). 31 foot hull. It was built in 1967. GRP Hull.

    Refit of Stern section and cabin interior. Trying to find either detailed or summary plan of boat for various contractors.

  4. senior31refit
    Joined: Sep 2004
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    senior31refit Junior Member

    Hopefully I have attached a picture of the boat that I am refitting. Again it is a Senior 31 foot grp motor cruiser. Built I think in 1967 in Southhampton (UK). Any one know of any plans or can offer any help on the refit of the stern section and cabin? Any help again very gratefully received.

    Attached Files:

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