Self taught or not?

Discussion in 'Education' started by Hampus, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. Scott Carter
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    Scott Carter Senior Member

    SH, I agree with Hotfuzz. That's some nice work there on the tube. Care to explain how you got a perfect fit the first time? Laser projection?
    Also, the bulbous bow re-fit phenomenon has always intrigued me. What was the owner's rationale for adding it?
  2. welder/fitter
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    welder/fitter Senior Member

    Scott, not speaking for Sean, here, but something as simple as templating with cardboard tubing, even flats, will give the right fit, if the time is taken. A bulbous bow will increase speed & lower fuel consumption when retrofitted. It's also a great whale-catcher! But, yeah, beautiful work so far, Sean, you'll have to show us how you fab the cap!
  3. Submarine Tom

    Submarine Tom Previous Member

    You can't fool me, that's a torpedo tube if I ever saw one.

    Nice work, good attitude too.

  4. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Did you guys run over a Colombian sub?
  5. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    Can't be. It isn,t concrete, and and it has no portholes.
  6. Sean Herron
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    Sean Herron Senior Member

    Hi-jacking Threads

    It is impolite to hi-jack a thread - but that never stopped me before...
    So to put a - I think it was 36 inch diameter - dick onto a boat - you do this...
    Good sausage and egg breakfast to cut the hangover - fresh pack of smokes...
    Look at the pipe - look at the boat - light a cigarette - repeat - then repeat again...
    Next - weld up and inverted set of dollies so you can rotate said dick pipe - repeat above...
    Go for coffee - explore the back of your mind...
    Then the AHAH - go get a length of 4x4 inch aluminum angle the length of your dick - lay it upon same - and 'zippie wheel' one line - that is your top center - do same to port side then to stb. side (which I did not - should have) - until you get whatever lines to meet at bottom - split the diff. - that is your lower center - upper to lower is Y axis per a great big plywood square...
    Go get a forklift and weld on a dog hanger - fiddle about...
    Find where you want to be - weld some dogs to the hull to take the tube...
    Find your longest control dimension - make a scribe from smaller aluminum angle - sight the boat to tube 'zippie lines' - making sure to make good 'zippie wheel' datums to both - tape out the marks on tube - soapstone it - then torch the dick minding what rough angles should be inward - namely the hull cheeks...
    Then go get an Engineer to tap it with a $250.00 graduation pen and have them say all looks good - and weld the ******* dick on...
    A liittle more than above is involved - here and there - particularily when you have two Engineers involved with a two decade or more age difference - but that is enough for me...
    I believe we were talking about some 30 year old 'kid' who is going sailing but wants to also design boats...
    Back to the thread...
    Aside from my ******** - there was also the guy in red - Garth Anderson - best fitter and shooter that I know - EVER...
    2 days - 2 guys - welded to the hull...
  7. Asleep Helmsman
    Joined: Jul 2008
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    Asleep Helmsman Senior Member

    That’s a good question.
    I’m going to answer it in one simple statement; stay in school.

    Now the qualifier, I actually work on the 11th floor and yes there are many good looking women here, but I didn’t need to work here to find them.

    Working here is a recent thing, and quite frankly a pretty serious down grade from being in the field.

    But I digress. In 1980 I dropped out of school to sell phone equipment in the emerging telecom market. Later I learned AutoCAD and networking and finaly software design. I’ve always been fully employed, mostly for myself, but now for Uncle Sam.

    Would I recommend my life for a young person? Not so much.

    In 1980 no colleges even had a clue how to teach databases, networks, even telecom. It was all done by the seat of the pants. Luckily I learn well that way, most people need more structure.

    I have a 20 year old daughter; she will be staying in school until she has her masters.

    After networking I designed and built luxury homes, operated a commercial woodshop, ran a phone company, sold fiber optics and telecom to Navy contractors. Many different things, over many years.

    But even home builders are switching over to recruiting management from colleges instead of promoting up through the ranks. Oh it still happens, but the percentages are not in your favor.

    So there it is, many people have made a life for themselves, without a degree, but it’s hard and now even more than ever.

    Well that’s my lecture to a young person. You may not get a better education at a University, but at least many people will think you did.
    Good luck, and congratulations on you upcoming wedding.
  8. Sean Herron
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    Sean Herron Senior Member

    All I saw...

    Good looking women on the eleventh floor...
    Given a twelve storey building they should be eduacated and well dressed - perhaps vintage twenties high skirts - 'shimmering' stockings and real stiletoes - the pointy shoe things...
    They may even know how to do damaged hull stability calculations - they may speak Danish - German - French and Dutch - and they open a can with a can opener with the label side up...
    Not sure where I am going with this - but these women should be put onto a self suscribed list - same should have membership actions...
    I imagine that these women are immune to Kryptonite and other...
  9. Asleep Helmsman
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    Asleep Helmsman Senior Member

    Well I don't know about all that, but they do keep the Skies over America safer.
    And yes, it actually is a 12 story building.
  10. Sean Herron
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    Sean Herron Senior Member

    I Got Nothing...


    I am out...

    See -

  11. Asleep Helmsman
    Joined: Jul 2008
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    Asleep Helmsman Senior Member

    Well I am a selt taught boat designer, we'll see how that works out.
  12. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    Bulbous bows on boats under 60feet are useless, they may even cause bow steer. No they didnt tell me in college, I am on my 3rd bulbous bow design. and then I might remove them. Im sure the architect didnt understand what he was doing and had the factory fit them upside down, dived over 22Kts.

    The best is a round pipe with a round end so no tendency to do anything but pierce the water.

    Blood, sweat and tears and time ---oh so much time.
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  13. Asleep Helmsman
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    Asleep Helmsman Senior Member

    Hmm, I don't disagree about the short boat thing, but Northrop Grumman is building Naval vessels with elliptical bulbs.
  14. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    A bulb on a small boat can be for static bouancy to make up for a cock up by the Architects . Shifting weight could not rectify it so Bulbous bows will give it a bit of lift at the front when in the marina.

    Especially narrow hulled cats.

    They will do nothing for performance and will /could make bows steer.
    But they look good and the boat floats right.
    Ships? dunno.

  15. Asleep Helmsman
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    Asleep Helmsman Senior Member

    Are you always that crass?
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