Self righting rc boat

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by fallguy, Jan 5, 2025.

  1. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    Is there anyone who might consider drawing a small craft for RC use? I’d lke a boat that can tow maybe 1kg out to say 1000 yards and return to the beach.

    It would be self righting which is why it needs to be drawn.
  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    This sounds like an interesting project - can you tell us a bit more about it please?

    Re self righting, are you thinking of something with a little buoyancy bag (or float) attached to a goalpost / gantry frame on the boat?

    Re the tow that weighs 1 kg, is it boat shaped, or a square / round block, or.......?

    Re how it is a 'small craft', what size are you typically thinking of?

    Will you be building the boat? What will the construction material be?
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  3. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

  4. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    It needs to tow a long bait with heavy sinker on the bottom. The sinker is about 8oz. And the bait is maybe 2’ long. It could be setup with a hook and say a snap swivel or shock cord.
  5. rberrey
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    rberrey Senior Member

    I Googled sail trot line Texas and they are still in use in Texas , only saltwater , and regulated . Even with just one hook on the line I would think the rc boat would fall into the sail line regulations at least until the bait is released . Don't know if you have thought about a drone but it might be a option , you are going to deal with wind and surf where your at whatever method you go with . I would talk with locals about sail lines just to learn and see if any of their designs or methods could be adjusted to fit your needs .
  6. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    Thought as much, hence the tractor design and drop weight location.
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  7. messabout
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    messabout Senior Member

    A drone will be faster, more maneuverable, not affected by rough water, and it will cost less than a RC boat that is reliable and seaworthy.

    Confession: I am an experienced RC boat guy and have almost no experience with drones. Seems to me that if the Ukraine fighters can rig a cheap home built drone to drop an explosive device, surely such a drone can drop a hook and sinker
  8. portacruise
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    portacruise Senior Member

    Fisherman have been doing something like that with kites and balloons for many years. I think they even sell kits, which might be considerably cheaper, plus they can be replaced immediately with other cheap spares, if there's a crash/ line tangle, etc, it can save your fishing trip, compared to a boat or a drone loss. Probably won't work if the bait has to travel directly into the wind. But if there's intense wind or wave conditions a boat or drone may have issues as well. How much does that 2 ft long bait weigh?
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2025
  9. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    Air drones are $2000.

    The rig weights can be under 1kg, but about 1kg would be a target. I would run about 10 oz typically.

    In south Texas, the wind is almost always from the south unless massive cold fronts, in which case, fishing is off.
  10. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    I get it, but a drone that costs 2k and crashes into the sea is not self righting. A boat flipping can self right or get washed in. The one downside to a boat is it needs to be in some depth of water to start, and the bait, say 2’ long might be dragging unless you devise a system to deal with the payload of the sinker.
  11. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    typical rig, sinker up to 8oz or maybe bigger if you put live baits on

  12. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    I think the weight will need to be payload on like a drop tray. We use spider weights on bottom of rig. So the access area needs to be for n aft.
  13. Waterwitch
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    Waterwitch Senior Member

    You can buy RC bait boats, this one suppose to have quarter mile range and a remotely deploying bait release.

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  14. comfisherman
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    comfisherman Senior Member

    Boat idea might be the ticket.

    Best friend is getting into surf fishing and started using drones, but line resistance pulls the trigger long before 1000 yards. On a normal day it's 250 to 300 max yards, went down to about half that with wind and tide.

    Wonder what line resistance would be in the water at that range.

    I'm the world's worst sport fisherman, but get a kick out of the guys drone surf fishing. Spent two whole days this fall in the cold in the worst habitat just laughing my butt off watching my buddy drone launch bait.

    Think I'd be finding a moderate size glass rc boat, get some jet setups and some low down lead ballast and enough foam in the top cap to self right, maybe a small solenoid pump to dewater if need be. Wonder what the line of sight range for a civilian radio is with a slow rolling swell...

  15. portacruise
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    portacruise Senior Member

    There's helium balloons and surface balloons that can be used, or a combination of both, at least in theory.. If someone is surface balloon fishing off of a boat, and can't get to the desired position because of boat draft or other reasons, wind direction might not be an issue with the right boat positioning. If you are Shoreline fishing you will have to find a Shoreline position where the wind will drag your bait rig to the Target area. In theory you could start with a helium balloon that has a tiny leak to carry the rig over big waves and it will drop gradually until it becomes a surface balloon, or you can have a second surface balloon for when the helium is gone. The surface balloon can also have a slow leak, so that after a few hours it deflates completely dropping the rig at 1000 yards, while remaining tied in the deflated form and out of the way when reeling in fish. Dirt Cheap and much fewer complications compared to RC boat?

    using balloon to drop fishing line at DuckDuckGo

    Just my laughable ideas, may not work for everyone!
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