Seeking NA services

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by jmwoodring, Sep 21, 2024.

  1. jmwoodring
    Joined: Apr 2012
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    jmwoodring Junior Member

    I'm interested in a project that would require some consulting/design services from a qualified NA.

    80' S/V, steel, needs a refit, original plans are available and have been stamped by USCG

    I'd like to get it certified in the US to T-boat standards as a SPV, so ideally I'd like to find someone familiar with the process to guide me and provide the necessary drawings. There might be some other design modifications as well.

    I've never worked with a NA before.
    How should I go about looking for one that would be a good fit for this project?
    What are the going rates for these services?
    Anything to beware of or look out for?
  2. Cory
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    Cory Junior Member

    I am not a naval architect
    I design and build boats with a massive amount of reference
  3. TANSL
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  4. Cory
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    Cory Junior Member

    I'd love to interact with the naval architect that has built as many boats as I have and I only build what I designed myself

    I even design and build University boats because of my history and reference.

    Your not talking to a young rookie

    Repeating what I said is kinda silly really
  5. Cory
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    Cory Junior Member

    Apologize how that sounds just came in the door from working on a boat and I am only on here of my passion
    Never made a dollar here.
  6. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    This sounds like an interesting project - could you fill us in with some more details in the meantime while you are looking for your NA?

    Are you able to post any photos or copies of your plans, such as the general arrangement plan?

    I think that @jehardiman lives up your way - he might have some ideas re a local NA?
  7. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    We can all post what we want so you should not apologize. And, you would not be the only one to get a job because someone on this forum needs your help.
    That said, I have to express my admiration for your knowledge and experience. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on who looks at it) the OP does not need an experienced shipbuilder but an experienced NA.
    It is difficult to find an NA with experience in shipbuilding, as they are two totally different jobs (your challenge, so, in my opinion, it makes no sense). The reverse is also true, the shipbuilder does not have to know about naval architecture. If you are the man who contradicts that rule, talk to the OP, you are the right man for him.
  8. jmwoodring
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    jmwoodring Junior Member

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  9. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    Never worked with any small NA firms in the area, and those that I knew personally are all retired. Washington state requires a PE in NA&ME to hang out a shingle and stamp dwgs/calcs. Day rate in the larger firms is ~$400-$600.
    bajansailor likes this.
  10. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Tad Roberts - @Tad - posts on this forum, and he has had a lot of experience with vessels like this - and he is just a little way north of you.

    Here is his website - Tad Roberts Yacht Design and his Blog - Low Tide | Yacht Designer Tad Roberts' Web Log

    And he updates his Facebook page every day with details of interesting boats - Tad Roberts
  11. jmwoodring
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    jmwoodring Junior Member

    The boat is actually on the east coast of the US, so a WA architect isn't a requirement. Remote collaboration seems even more achievable these days, though I can imagine it would be extremely helpful to work with someone locally, who is is networked/familiar with local builders, supply, etc.

    Do you think there is a significant difference or advantage in working with a larger firm vs. a solo designer?
  12. jmwoodring
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    jmwoodring Junior Member

    Thanks for the recommendation. I have stumbled across Mr. Roberts design page in the past and appreciated it. There are a number of North American boat designers that I am familiar with, though my familiarity is generally a function of their fame, successful marketing, or web presence. Unfortunately, many of them are now dead or retired, or probably too famous to be approachable for me. I know there must be many more, lesser well known, yet competent and knowledgeable professionals in the field. I'd like to find one with the right mix of experience: Familiar with traditional sailing vessels, steel construction, USCG certification, with a solid sense of the practical, but a spark of the inspirational.
    bajansailor likes this.
  13. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    No, but you need somebody who knows where to go and who to talk to. NA will generally tell you about their (successful) past projects...look for those who have successful past projects similar to yours. [NOTE: this is not a comment about skill...many started projects die for reasons not in the NA's control]
    Ad Hoc and bajansailor like this.
  14. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    I doubt very much that Tad would regard himself as being 'too famous' for you to approach him - he gives generously of his time to the many questions asked on his Facebook page, and he has helped out @DogCavalry John of this Forum when John consulted with him in a professional capacity.
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  15. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    Is that all...really?
    wow...very cheap!
    BMcF, TANSL and bajansailor like this.
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