Seeking local naval architect to run the numbers on catamaran design I have completed

Discussion in 'Services & Employment' started by Ismotorsport, Feb 2, 2012.

  1. Ismotorsport
    Joined: Feb 2012
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    Ismotorsport Junior Member

    Looking for local based (California) to run the numbers on 52ft sailing catamaran design I have completed and help create a layup schedule and sailplan and foil design.

    The design is completed on rhino orca. Would like to start on the male plug shortly so I need to evaluate the design and finalize hull shape.

  2. DavidJ
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    DavidJ Senior Member

    Morrelli & Melvin Design are based in California and they are one of the most respected multihull engineering firms around.
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  3. Ismotorsport
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    Ismotorsport Junior Member

    Thanks. I contacted them but they are too busy with AC work and don't do consultative work like this. They prefer full projects. Plus they actually end up farming out the work like the analysis from what I was told.
    Basically need someone to take the existing design and run through hydro testing and weight plan- float plan,etc.
  4. Wynand N
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    Wynand N Retired Steelboatbuilder

    before handing your design over, make sure your copyright issues are watertight. Some scrupulous operator may just nick your design if its good and may claim he has a right since he done the hydrostatic calculations on it....
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2012
  5. DavidJ
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    DavidJ Senior Member

    Hello Luke, I am a naval architect based on the west coast of Canada experienced in composite design. I am curious in this opportunity. However, a 52 foot sailing catamaran is pretty large project that will experience serious forces and requires considerable engineering. In your posting it wasn't clear to what extent the design has been completed. Has any engineering work been done or is it just a conceptual model? On one hand it sounds like the design is done and you are looking for a naval architect to provide a design check and on the other it sounds like fundamental considerations such as the weight estimate and structural layout have not been performed. Is the vessel going to be built by professionals experienced in composite catamaran construction? And if so does the builder employ an engineer to handle detail design?

    You say you want to start plug construction shortly, what are the time constraints on the project?

    I would need some clarification as to what exactly you are looking for as would other potential naval architects.

    Thank you.
  6. Tad
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    Tad Boat Designer

  7. DCockey
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    DCockey Senior Member

    Assume you meant "unscrupulous".

    In the US if you create something and put it on paper or in a computer file you automatically own the copyright to it (unless you created it as part of your job when employed by someone else).

    If you provide your work to someone to do analysis, etc then that party does not acquire any rights to it unless there is an explicit agreement to the contrary such as they get rights as compensation for the doing the analysis.

    Now the tricky part. If someone does analysis of your work and subsequently redesigns it then that party owns the copyright on the new work they did unless there is an explicit agreement to the contrary. But they don't acquire copyright on your work, and to the extent their work is a derivative of your work they can't sell their new derivative work without your permission. If someone is hired to do both analysis and redesign of your design then your rights to use of the redesign should be confirmed before they start work.

    Another confusing part. Design of boats as such is not covered by copyright in the US. Plans, computer files, etc are covered by copyright but not the fundamental design. You can file for protection under the Vessel Hull Design Protection Act but that requires an actual hull having been built and exhibited, offered for sale, etc. There have been several previous threads on this issue.

    Disclaimer - I'm not a lawyer, just someone who has spent time researching copyright law and how it applies to boats.
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